Chapter 8

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Vincent's POV

I just want to help my little girl. That's all.

"Fuck it. I'm breaking this down right now." I say, throwing my shoulder against the wooden door separation Bron and I.

After a few tries, the door finally falls. Running in, I don't see my bambina anywhere, only an open window.

"Shit! She must have left." Ali says, coming up beside me.

Ali leaves my side and unlocks the door that joins Chase and Bron's rooms.

"Where's Mama?" Chase asks, walking through the knocked down door.

"I don't bud." I say, kneeling down to his height.

Suddenly, he wraps his tiny arms around my neck. Soon, all my brothers are a part of the hug. I just stay there with Chase as the other brothers leave, heading to their own rooms.

Where are you Bron? I need you. I love you.

Waste My Time|On HoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora