Chapter 10 *⚠*

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Can I just say, waffles are heaven on earth. Especially Nathianl's. They are to die for.

Alessandro was right, my brothers were not mad at me, they all just wanted to help me. When I came down, Chase had screamed, causing my brothers to look in my direction. This resulted in a giant group hug. Now, Alessandro and Vincent said they wanted to have a conversation about some rules within the house.

"Okay. So me and Vince-" "Vince and I" Vincent cut Alessandro off, and for a grammar error at that!

"As I was saying, Vince and I would like to address some ground rules. Let's start with yours fiore. Number one, be home by ten thirty at the latest. I don't want you out and about at some ungodly hour of the night. If you are going to be out past that, let someone know where you and take one of your brothers with you. Number two, No drinking, smoking or drugs while you live under this roof, especially in the house. All your brothers have the same rule. Once you are old enough to legally do that stuff, then we will reconsider that rule, but until then, none of it. Number three, all you must check in with at least one of your brothers after every class, and sit with them at lunch. Number four, no boys ever. I don't care whether or not they are nice, or if you're 'just friends', no means no. Number five, respect your brothers, teachers and other people of authority." Alessandro says, "Now Chase, your rules are similar. You probably won't be out, but if you are, have Bron with you and you both must be home before ten or have one of your uncles, bron's brothers, with you both. Second, no candy or junk food after nine unless you have permission and a valid reason. Three, same as your mother, not that we will have to worry right now, but no drugs, alcohol or smoking. Four, respect your uncles, your mother, teachers and other people of authority. That's all! You both can go now unless you have questions."

"W-When can we s-sart school?" I ask quietly.

"You both will start on Monday. Some of your brothers will take you shopping." Alessandro says.

"O-okay. T-thank you!"

"Go ask and you can right now." He says with a slight smile on his face.

I grab Chase's hand and walk out of the office.

"You wanna ask Uncle Luca, Parker and Gager if they'd like to come with us?" I ask Chase quietly.

"Yeah!" He exclaims.

"Let's go."


After very little convincing, Chase, Luca, Parker, Gager and I all got into Gager's truck and made our way to the mall. The mall is huge. There were the most expensive stores I've ever seen. Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel. You name it, it's probably here. While my brothers were going all out for this shopping spree, I did the opposite. I'm used to having to save money and keep a budget. So I only picked out the cheaper thing, only getting two shirts and a coat. I didn't like the pants, they were too short and the shoes looked weird. Even then, do you know how hard it is to find a long sleeve shirt in these stores? It's nearly impossible. To add to that, one that's plain. No prints, no designs, just a plain black, long sleeved shirt? Even harder to find. Chase, however, was all over everything. It was adorable!

"I'm hungry, can we please go eat? My stomach is about to start eating my body from the inside out." Parker whines.

"Yeah, we can head over to the food court right now." Gager says, turning around and heading to what is probably the food court.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Do you need any like, girl clothes?" Gager asks, stopping the group.

"W-what d-do you mean b-by 'girl clothes'?" I ask quietly.

"Y-you know, like u-undergarmands a-and t-things like that." Luca stutters out awkwardly.

"O-oh, yeah." I whisper.

"Great, next stop, Victoria Secret." Gager says.

"B-but my food!" Parker cries.

"Oh shut the fuck up right now. You can go another twenty minutes to a half hour without food. You'll live. I can guarantee it." Gager says, shutting Parker up almost immediately.

Finally arriving at the store, I head in without my brothers at my side. I mean, I wasn't going to force them to come in. I don't blame them for not wanting to come in. I don't even want to be here right now. My cheeks have been on fire since the moment I stepped foot into the store. The bras lining the walls seemed to have grown eyes and were staring at me, making me utterly uncomfortable. I had Gager's credit card in my wallet, and my hoodie over my head and I looked for a size of bra and panties that might fit me. I grab a few different sizes and designs, and head to the dressing rooms. Walking into the small room, I close the curtain that separates me from the other people changing. The pressure of just changing was undeniably huge. Maybe it was me and my self-consciousness or the fact that there was a life size poster of a perfect girl in a cute bra and panties right beside me that made anyone look bad when next to it. Quikly, I tried on the few pairs I found and grabbed the ones that fit me best. I made a beeline for the check out line where one other girl was standing, waiting for the worker to finish scanning her items.

Looking around the store, I notice the guys inside having the same flushed and embarrassed look I did when I first entered. One man in particular made me want to puke. Coden Daniels. Coden was-is- one of my father's friends, but he's more than that to me. He was the one to rape me and kock me up at ten years old. He is Chase's father. I immediately snap my head to the ground before he can notice my staring.

"Next." A voice calls.

I look up and see the worker chewing her gum, looking at the pink nails and playing with her blond and pink hair. When I walked up, she looked at me with a board expression.

"Cash, debit or credit?" She asks.

"C-credit, p-please." I say quietly, praying to the holy Lord above that she heard me and that I won't have to speak louder.

"What? Speck up." She says, starting to look agitated.

"C-credit," I say.

"Here you go." She says, handing me a small machine to pay for everything.

Once everything was bagged and paid for, I walked as fast as I could to get out of the store. I was almost at the door when I bumped into someone.

"S-sorry." I whisper, gathering my things before starting to walk away.

"Whatever bitch." The person says.

That voice. That is the voice of my nightmares. The voice even more haunting than that of my fathers. Coden. I was paralized with fear. I could hear the voices of my brothers around me, but no words came from them; only muffled sounds. My vision went blurry and black dots started to appear. I heard the muffled sounds of the world around me, but Coden's voice was ringing in my ears.

Bitch! You are so worthless!

I don't want a kid if you're it's mother.

I fucking hate everything to do with you.

You worthless piece of shit! Go kill yourself!

Look at Diablo's little fatass.

I couldn't breathe anymore. His voice was suffocating me. His presence was strangling me. The memories, flashbacks, stabbing me in the stomach. The scars he gave me stung like hell. The scar he gave me when he found out I was having a kid. It went from my left hip, upto the bottom of my left shoulder blade, then across to the top of my right shoulder. The scar he gave me when he raped me; his carved into my forearms. Right side spelt a messy vision of 'Coden', the left side said 'Dainels'. So that I would forever remember who broke me. All of a sudden, everything stopped. The voice in my ear went silent, my vision went dark. I fell, but didn't feel a thing. 

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