Chapter 15

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"What's a padawan?"

"Oh hell to the no!" Luca screams, causing the rest of my brothers and my cousins to come running up the stairs, Chase in Vince's arms.

"What's going on? Who's hurt?" Jared asks, looking around the room.

"My dear little Bronny doesn't know what a padawan is!" Luca says, his eyes wide.

"My god, you gave me a heart attack! I thought something was actually wrong! Bron not knowing what a padawan is not a big deal" Alessandro says, giving Luca a cold look.

"This is a big deal. My baby has never had the pleasure and excitement of seeing the cinematic icon saga, Star Wars." Luca says, shaking Alessandro.

"Wait, Star Wars? I think I have seen it. That's the one with the spaceships and the different planets. Aren't there aliens as well?" I ask.

"Oh, my God, your life is not ruined!" Luca says, putting a hand over his heart.

"But I don't think it was called Star Wars." I say, looking at the ground, "I think it was called Star Trek."

At that moment, Luca just falls. He just falls on the ground, making a whole scene

"My heart! It just broke into a million tiny pieces!" He screams, his eyes almost look like they're watering.

"Why is he doing this?" I ask Parker, who also has a shocked face.

"L-Luca has this thing where he's super obsessed with Star Wars and Star Trek and does, well, this, whenever someone gets the two mixed up or thinks that they are the same thing." Parker says.

"Are you done?" Alexandro asks Luca, who is still rolling around on my floor.

"Yep." He says, jumping up with a smile on his face.

Dang, this boy's mood swings are worse than mine when Lady Crimson comes to visit.

"I have an idea, how about we go watch the Star Wars and Star Trek movies? That way, Bronx can have the, and I quote, 'pleasure and excitement of seeing the cinematic icon saga, Star Wars' and she can see Star Trek. You can show her the differences as well. How does that sound?" Nathaniel says.

"OMG! Yes! You are totally sitting on my lap Bronny." Luca screams, running out of the room.

"Um, I'll just go." Ben says from the doorway of my room.

"It's okay. You can crash our movie night. It'll be cool." Jayden says, giving Ben a bro hug thing.

"I mean, if it's cool with you." He asks, gesturing to Alessandro and Alexandro.

"Yep. I mean, you're basically a brother. If you have your own room, I don't know why you'd have to ask us if you need to stay for some movies." Alessandro says, patting Ben on the shoulder and walking out of the room.

He has a room here?

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