Ch.3 Agreement

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■3rd Person POV■

It's been four days since Ushijima met with Y/N. Y/N has been trying to make Ushijima agree on letting her helps with the gold cuff cases, or moreover to solve Oikawa's murder.

Y/N called Ushijima's number every day,  but Ushijima always reject her call. Ushijima looks at another call from Y/N and he rejects it again.

Oikawa: Oi you could at least answer her call damn it! What kind of a law enforcement who ignores the civilian calls??

Oikawa is pissed by how Ushijima treated Y/N.

Ushijima: it's better for her not to get involved...

Oikawa totally agrees with this, but he just can't stand seeing Ushijima ignoring her calls like that. He knew Y/N must be really sad by it.

Oikawa: you could at least tell her... don't ignore her like this...

Ushijima pondering in his mind. He knows that he should've at least answer the call, but he doesn't know what to say if she ask something that he doesn't know how to answer. The thing is, Ushijima rarely interacts with a woman. He doesn't know how to treat them.

Ushijima looks at his watch and gets up from his seat, walking to the exit of his office room.

Semi: where're you going Ushijima?

Ushijima: I'll go back home, will look into our data again.

Semi nods and Ushijima walks out of his room and head to the entrance. Ushijima tends to work at home, he likes it more when he's alone while analyzing the data.

He could hear that the rain is falling, it could be seen through the office glass door too. Just when Ushijima steps out of the door.

Oikawa: Ushiwaka, Y/N! It's Y/N!

Ushijima turns his gaze to where Oikawa points at. Y/N is sheltering under the bus stop across the street. It seems like she didn't bring any umbrella, as part of her clothes are drenched.

Y/N's eyes meet with Ushijima's olive one, and her face lits. She waves her hand, trying to get Ushijima's attention, which he already aimed at her. But Ushijima opens his umbrella and walks to the parking lot. Y/N saw how Ushijima ignored her and it's making her frown.

Oikawa got even more pissed

Oikawa: Oi Ushiwaka, she could've come all the way here to see you. I know you don't want her to bother with your investigation but... at least...

Oikawa sees as Y/N is drenched and hugs her body, probably feeling cold. Ushijima glances at her but continues walking to his car.

■Y/N's POV■

I watch as Ushijima san gets into his car and drives away. I look down at the puddle in front of me.

I was too naive... of course he wouldn't want someone hindering his job, just because I want to ease the loss...

Just then I sense a car stops in front of me. The window is lowered and Ushijima san looks at me.

Ushijima: get in... I'll drop you home, you'll get sick.

Ushijima san opens the door from the inside and I get into his car. I sit and somehow it's a little bit awkward. I become nervous of what would he think of someone who keeps on bugging him.

Just then I could feel Ushijima san's body is so close to mine.

Y/N: U-Ushijima san?


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