Ch.10 The Lead

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■Ushijima's POV■

I woke up and walk out of my room. The moment I stepped into the hallway, good smells are all in the air. I walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen where the smell comes from.

L/N is there, standing facing away from me, cooking something. She gracefully moves her hands preparing the food, I was enticed by her.

Oikawa: morning Ushiwaka...

I was startled, I didn't realize that Oikawa is in this room too.

Ushijima: Good Morning....

I said it a bit louder than how I supposed to do when I'm talking with Oikawa. L/N turns around and I can see her smiling at me.

Y/N: good morning, Ushijima san...

Dub dub

A mere good morning from her, got my heart racing. L/N Y/N makes me feel some sort of unfamiliar feelings lately. By the sight of her face, or hearing her voice could make my chest feels weird.

Y/N: I'm sorry I use your kitchen... I uh... made breakfast for us... I hope you don't mind.

She lifts the plates with the food she made in front of her. Her cheeks are slightly blushing and she averts her gaze somewhere else.

L/N really is a beautiful woman...

Ushijima: of course not... thank you for making it...

She looks happy and then we both sit at the dining table, Oikawa is around too.

Ever since I don't live with my parents, I do my morning routines alone. But today, having her cook breakfast for me, and listen to Oikawa not stop talking, isn't bad at all.

Having someone to eat with in the morning is nice...

3rd Person POV■

Ushijima, Y/N, and Oikawa are in Ushijima's dining room when Y/N's phone suddenly rings. Y/N see the caller, it's Iwaizumi.

Y/N: Good morning Iwaizumi sa-

Iwaizumi: Y/N! The Aoba group will sign a contract with The Triad Group

Y/N was surprised when she hears that. Ushijima and Oikawa exchange glances and wait until Y/N finishes talking. Y/N ends the call and looks at Ushijima.

Y/N: Ushijima san... Iwaizumi said that... The Aoba Group will sign a contract with the Triad Group... he wants us to meet at the cafe near your office...

Oikawa: Whaaat??? How could- I already declined the offer...

Ushijima could see that Oikawa is in utter shock. He gets up from his seat and told Y/N to get ready. The two got changes and head to the cafe to meet Iwaizumi.

They meet up at the usual cafe and the three could see how Iwaizumi look really pissed. He looks really grim, and angry.

Y/N: Iwaizumi...

Iwaizumi: The Aoba group will cooperate with The Triad Group.... Oikawa... Hyogo... has just signed the agreement between the two companies with Hakama from the Triad company...

Iwaizumi's hands are formed into tight fists. Y/N and Ushijima are surprised but Oikawa, he's shocked to hear that. And then Y/N remembers something.

Y/N: Hyogo san.... I met Tooru's brother yesterday... and we talk and I... told him I was investigating Tooru's death... and on my way home... I was... attacked

Iwaizumi: what? you were attacked?

Y/N looks up at Ushijima and stares at him with sad eyes.

Y/N: there's no way that... he... Hyogo san is...

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