ch.14 goodbye

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■3rd Person POV■

The murderer was solved, Hyogo and The Triad leader hired the gold cuff to kill Oikawa Tooru and many other people from other companies. The company behind the gold cuff is the triad after all.

Oikawa's parents and sister are all shocked and devastated by the news. Never had they ever thought that Hyogo was behind Oikawa's death.

The moment Iwaizumi hears about the news, he was in a rage. Ushijima fulfills his promise and lets Iwaizumi see Hyogo. Iwaizumi landed a powerful punch on Hyogo's face.

It's been a week since then, and both Ushijima and Y/N haven't seen or heard Oikawa.

Right now the two are sitting in Ushijima's backyard. Y/N has been getting better and has been discharged from the hospital. Ushijima picks her up right away and take her to his house. Right now the two are in his backyard, talking about what happened a week ago.

Ushijima: don't you want to rest inside?

Y/N shook her head no and smiles at Ushijima.

Y/N: I... want to feel the air... I've been staying at the hospital for a week...

Ushijima: okay... I'm glad you're alright now... I'm glad you open your eyes...

Y/N stares at Ushijima as he looks at her. Her heart is pounding inside her chest, she feels warm by the presence of Ushijima's body next to her. Y/N stares at Ushijima and remembers how she heard his voice, whispering softly for her to open her eyes.

Y/N reaches out and tug on Ushijima's jacket. Ushijima stares at her small hand on the sleeve of his jacket and back at her face.

Y/N: I... that day... I heard Ushijima san voice... I heard that you wish for me not to leave you and open my eyes... 

Ushijima's eyes are widened after he hears this. When Y/N was unconscious, Ushijima keeps on calling her name and hopes she'll wake up.

Y/N: Ushijima san... thank you for being by my side...

Ushijima's chest feels tight, seeing Y/N thanking her while looking at him with those pretty eyes. He's glad he met Oikawa's ghost that day, he's glad because he can meet Y/N. Ushijima has never felt anything like what he felt with Y/N before.

Ushijima: I'm glad... Oikawa haunts me...

Oikawa: you sure is...

Bye the sound of Oikawa's voice, Y/N and Ushijima look at the source of the voice. There, Oikawa is standing but he looks a little bit more transparent. 

Ushijima: Oikawa...

Y/N: Tooru...

Y/N approaches him but she can't touch him, which makes her sad and Oikawa sees this.

Oikawa: you can't do that Chibi chan... I think... my time is up...

Ushijima and Y/N's eyes are widened. Ushijima could see that Oikawa is almost invisible by now. Y/N starts to cry again.

Y/N: Tooru....

Oikawa: hey... Chibi chan... remember what I told you last time...

Y/N looks up at Oikawa as he smiles at her. Y/N remembers when Oikawa told her to be happy. Ushijima looks at the two and he's a little sad. Sad knowing that Oikawa will be gone and sad because he thinks Y/N still loves him deeply, thinking that there's no place for him in her heart.

Yes, Ushijima is in love with Y/N.

Oikawa sees how Ushijima stares at Y/N and sighs.

Oikawa: Ushiwaka...

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