ch.15 Not a Replacement

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■3rd Person POV■

It's been a week since Oikawa ascend. Y/N and Ushijima can no longer see him. Truth be told, Ushijima somehow feels that his house became quiet because he's getting used to having Oikawa chatters around the house.

Ushijima: it's too calm...

Ushijima is looking out at the backyard from the glass door when he hears a suitcase being pulled. Ushijima looks back and his heart clenches.

Y/N is standing with her suitcase next to her.

Ushijima: L/N?

Y/N looks up at Ushijima and smiles at him.

Y/N: um... I think... I should go back now...

Ushijima feels that his chest clenches as he imagines Y/N leaves.

Ushijima: isn't it better if you stay for a little bit more... we don't know whether we already capture all of the gold chain members... though the one related to Oikawa's death is already been taken but...

Ushijima looks worried and Y/N could see this. Actually, it's hard for her to leave him too, but Y/N doesn't want to bother Ushijima for too long.

She has been living here for weeks and she feels bad. She thought Ushijima is bothered by her because she was pestering him to let her join the case before.

Y/N: I... can't bother you for too long...

Y/N looks down at her suitcase. Ushijima stares at the woman in front of him and walks closer.

Ushijima: is that really the only reason?

Y/N looks up to see Ushijima who's staring at her seriously with gentle-looking eyes.

Her heart beats faster as he looks at her kindly like that.

Y/N: I... I've been bothering you for a while... I... feel bad...

Ushijima: what if... I say that I'm not bothered at all by your presence?

Y/N looks up at Ushijima, her eyes widened when she sees Ushijima hung his head and looks down at his feet before turn his gaze back at her.

Ushijima: what... if I say that... I like your presence here?

Y/N could feel that her chest filled with fuzzy feelings and her face feels warm. Ushijima too, decided to be front with his feelings. The thought of parting with Y/N keeps crossing his mind and he's not up for the option.

It's not because of Oikawa's request, he too, wants to make Y/N happy and wants to be by her side.

■Y/N's POV■

My heart is racing right now. Ushijima san stares at me with his beautiful olive eyes. Those eyes pulling me in.

Y/N: wh- what do you mean Ushijima san?

Ushijima san looks down and I could see he clenches his hands.

Why does he look so nervous?

Ushijima san takes a deep breath and takes one step closer to me. He looks straight into my eyes and how I was enticed by him.

Ushijima: I like you... L/N...

Dub dub

My chest feels tight as I hear his confession.

Ushijima: all these months I've been around you... I can't help but be entranced by you... the day you got shot... I was afraid that You'll leave me... then when I know... I... love you as a woman...

Truth Seeker ( Ushijima X Reader Alternate Universe )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon