Orphanage - Kinda!

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I live together with my big brother Oliver and 8 other people, in an Orphanage called "Arcanum" well..it isn't tecnially an orphanage but more of a home for young adults..at least for most of us, i'm 18 myself and Oliver is 22 years old, we comes from a rich family, and originally it was surpose to be just me who moved in here, but Oliver tagged along.

I trust Oliver the most, he has always been my "safe place" despite his cold apperance he is anything but cold towards me, i remeber when we were younger how he always stroke my hair when i cried from Father's punishment, The owner or The lady as she wants us to call her, own this mansion from family generations, seems to take people in is a family thing in her family?! The mansion is pretty creepy looking, which is why we don't get guests! But none of us are bothered by it, after all..we are here af different reasons- some more depressing than other.

I were in the basement doing my duty when The Lady came down to me, "Miss Vane don't you have school?" she says and looks straight into my eyes, "ah Yes ma'lady i just wanted to finish of one of my duties before going to school" i replied, she nodded and walked away, i better finish this one up quickly or i'll be late.

As fate wanted it....i was late...well more precisely i was lost! Damnit! I need to be less in my own head and more into the reality, i looks around..seems i am in some kind of ghost way? a old lady pass me, probably a good idea to follow her, she doesn't seem too bothered by this way...she probable knows it better than i, i followed her through a creepy stream, and into some kind of station? very weird...it had some kind of mini mcdonalds and..a busstop? it was such a weird place, i look into the mini mcdonalds...and the first thing that meets me is the smell of cheeseburger...ew the smeel of meat just makes me feel like puking, all in one it looks like a rip-off mcdonalds, i go outside again..to see the bus has finally arrived...somehow it ahd driven through a meter water...i must be high or something, i ask the driver how to get out "Jump in kiddo.." she mumbled, eh imma just walk..."Never mind" i said and walked the same way as i got in...now how the hell do i go from ghost way to home? probably if i listen to some music i will find the way home, i plug the head phones in and start daydreaming, when i get ready..i buy a mansion for me and Oliver and have lots of parties..with all our friends, i would even invite the lady of the house as thanks for taking care of us...it'll be truly nice "UUh one of the creeps came back" a voice interupted my daydreaming, i look around...huh seems i came back home.

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