You are NOT forgiven!

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I walk into the bathroom, my hair is greasy as if i just poured oil in it and i smell like death itself. Gross, i'll thinkg i'll take a shower before showing myself..

I cleaned up my room before taking deep breaths and opens the door, the sunlight was shining sharp into my eyes, i walk out to open the window, my stomach is making noises...i guess im hungry? Every step down the stairs feels like one step closer to falling, i can't see anyone i guess they are all busy..i walks into the kitchen and take something to stomach feel so much better..i guesss i am more hungry than i wanna admit! "Shouldn't you be in school?" The Lady looks at me from the door, oh i havn't even seen what the clock is "Uhmm...we got dismissed early" I says, she nods, seems she accepted it "I have given your duties to yoru brother...he said he'll give em to you when you got sure he'll be glad to see you ar early" she says "A-actually can i get them from you Ma'lady?" I asks, she nods and comes towards me and gives me a piece of paper with my list on it, she waves me off and walks away, i finsh my eating and clean the dishes.

I look at the list and sighs....i have to clean the bathrooms with lucky, i started with the highst floor's bathrooms and slowly got down untill i came to my own floor, Oliver came walking out of my room obviously confused over my door open, he looks towards me and a face with emotions was shown, he looks tired, depressed and guilt, Jeff came walking out from his room and looks reliefed at me, i holds my breath...looking at them is like..drowning! "Here! the rest is yours!" i says and push the cleaningtable towards Jeff, i turns around on my way to go to the living room "Temza WAIT!" Olivers voice stops me from going down the stairs, he put his hand on my shouldre, no...i push it away "I am so sorry i should had told you" he says, i can feel the anger filling me up again "I told you! i don't ever wanna speak to you again" i says, a weak giggling could be hjeard from behind "Well you just spoke to me" Oliver says, my cheeks got hot as i stamped down the stairs to the living room. Fuckingf idiot.

Days later.....

I have calmed down, Oliver and i do still not talk yet alone look at each other, im just still so mad at him i don't know if i can ever forgive him, i mean he never came across as a gay guy or have i always been that blind? No..i havn't he has no single trait of being interess in guys..execpt he never dated a girl either, Jeff pasts me, i wonder if i could ask him? "U-uhmm J-jeff?" i says..this is awkward, i have more or less accepted Jeff loves my brother and taht they are dating but..still, Jeff looks at me "Uhmm My brother isn't so how...did uh" i stutters, Jeff laughs as if he had read my mind" Haha og trust me..when we are alone he is super gay" he says, i can't imagine i guess it's just one of these things you gotta see before it's believeable! "Maybe next time we are alone i might invite you" Jeff says and pats my head " should consider talking to him..he really loves you" i look away, i miss my brother but i can't just forget it all.

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