Movie night!

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Jeff's eyes constantly were on Oliver, looking so lovely, Oliver looks down, he is nervous..."So clearly i'm blind and dumb..hopw did you even know, Jeff?" i asks,the question made Jeff Smirks "Well whatever you think..i wasn't the one who took the first move" he chuckles, great...just fantastic, Jeff gently push to Oliver in ordre to make him explain "Well I mean Jeff is wearing nail pink, and uhmm" Oliver face was bright red "I don't know...i just wanted to take a risk" he finished and looks at me, take a risk eh? Were he planning to hide it forever? "To be quiet frankly i was a lil surprised too" Jeff sudden says "Ain't much rainbow over this guy" he says and kisses Olivers cheek, Oliver sighs heavily "I..wanted Jeff to love you and not me but on the other hand" he looks at Jeff "It is so hard to let him go" Olivers says and kisses Jeff on the lips, which makes me a little uncomfortable, my feelings are still a mess after everything that happened "So what should we watch?" Jeff claps his hands and sits up, even tho i still have some questions..i still don't know how to ask them "Uh! how about som romantic comedy?" ew "Absulotly not" i says, Jeff looks rather surprised "We can watch Jeepers Creeper" Oliver suggest, oh i absulotly loved that movie since childhood! Jeff smiles and plays the movie.

Somehow they managed to be able to kiss while we came to the bloody on earth is that hot???We're watching a scene were a cop just got his heart aten....and they kiss???? Is this some kind of horny gay thing? "Ahem" i says, they stop and looks rather messy "Sorry guess we forgot where we are" Olivers says and cough "You think? Is this what ya always doing?'" I asks "Pretty much" Jeff quickly answer, oh wauw "What can i say...i hold myself back for 22 years" Oliver chuckles, i-i don't imagine "Oh my god! We should totally paint your nails!" Jeff says and look at Olivers nails, Oliver's eyes sparkles "Yas everyone knows anyway" Olivers agreed, as proud as i am of Oliver..this is a very weird and uncomfortable situation.

"So how did you find out?" i asks as the movie is about to end "When you got your first barbie doll" Oliver answers with dry tone, i remember clearly how disappointed i was when i got my first barbie doll..but oliver he...Oh.. "I realized pretty quickly a guy wouldn't get hyped about a silly doll unless he was into all that glitter" he says...he sounds rather sad, poor Oliver i guess realizing as a 10 year old boy that you ain't like everyone else must be hard, i'm starting to feel a little guilty over being mad at Him..i mean after all he is my brother and he cared for me so much he even would let his own love go "I know what you are thinking" Oliver suddenly says, i looks at him, his eyes were stern "You are not guilty...this entire mess is my fault" he says "But i-" "Temza! I lied to you, knowing damn well how you felt and how you were thinking" He cuts me off, gulp..i guess i shouldn't argue with still hurt yes..but i can somehow understand a way.

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