The Hot Guy!

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On a lawn opposite our home,old people usually 5-8 people always be sitting on their chair just starring evilish on the mansion -our home, it doesn't bother me...but it is weird, as i go inside, the lady looks at me "Why are you already back?" she asks, i look embarrassed down " lost too much daydreaming" i replied, it is so embarrassing that i always got my head somewhere else, sometimes i do understand why my parents wanted me gone "Miss Vane i am very disappointed in you, you have a bright furture, well it can't be helped, at least finish your duties, i call the school and apologize on YOUR behalf" she said and sighed before walking away, poor her she always do so much for us and yet i can't even keep my head straight "Yo i need som help in the garden ya lazy nuthead" my brother voice appear, i look to the side and see Oliver in garden with gloves and a dirty face "Oho sure iiiiiff it wasn't because i got the cleaning in living room you have fun with flowers" i teaseful replied, he rolls his eyes and go back into his duty, the faster we get done..the more freetime  we have, and i'd love to talk with Oliver and release all feelings, just being near him makes everything feel better, i can't imagine ever hating him! I better find those cleaning stuff!.

Next day....

Tch why does I have to be the one to shop the grocery, it's so boring, and i absulotly HATE buying meat! ever since i stopped eating meat it has just...disgust me! I try my best not to show it to the others, it wouldn't be fair, some hot guy pass me what a good looking dude, my heart was beating fast, everything went from gray to sunny, my face was bright red! I think i'm sick!! I hurry paying for the food and started followeing the was like magnet i just had to see more of this guy, we walks past some different shops..same direction as when i have to go home, strange..if he lives nearby why havn't i seen him before? Sure i don't go out much but still me and Oliver been here for a year, i should have least seen him a few times! he stopped infront of a dark creepy mansion - The orphanage i lives in! He then maneged to open the gate to then go in,wait hold on..could it be he? i ran fast into the orphanage, ignoring the elders laughing, i kicked the door open..just as The lady was telling the others about a our new roommate - the hot guy i had seen in the supermarked and follows hertill! Oliver looks up and down of him and then back to me and wave, the hot guy turns around "Ah no wonder you followed me! You live here!" he said with his deep voice, not an exact manly voice but neither too girly, perfect i really hate those manly guys, he smiles warmly "Hi i'm Jeff i'm 22 years old" he says and waves to everyone, black n pink nail polish, this guy sure knows what he likes "Well Lisa and Temza if your can go and prepare dinner, Oliver can show Jeff around" The lady says, i look at the clock..only 4 pm, if we both hurry, we can get done by 5 pm and that'll give me some time with Jeff! plan about finish it fast..didn't quite follow through....turns out making dinner to 12 people takes a lot of time, Lisa looks at my disappointed expression "So uhmm that new guy sure is hot" she says, i look at her "Oh yes he is" i replied....truly a god looking guy "You know...ya ain't doing very well in hiding what you like" she says, wait is it that obvious??? "I think you got your first crush" she giggles, crush? me? no way!! "And this is the kitchen The brown hair girl is Temza..she is my little sister" Oliver had entered the kitchen with Jeff, the moment i met Jeff's blue eyes...i understood what Lisa meant by "crush" I like this guy.

As we had aten dinner, it was my duty along with Lisa to clean the kitchen, I was thinking back at the dinner...Jeff did politely talk to me...maybe i have a chance? "So do i hide i like someone?" i mumbled Lisa looks giggling at me "You can't" she answered, liar! You can hide anything...but clearly she doesn't wanna help me, she continue giggling as if she finds my whole crush thing funny.

Finally finished all the dishes...jeez so annoying, i turn the lights off i got less than an hour before i have to be in bed, i might as well just head into Oliver before going into my own room, as i walk towards the stairs, the lady calls for me "Miss Vane! Wait a second" I turns around "Miss Vane, could you and your brother take Lisa and Jeff out for shopping tommorrow? I'd love to see Jeff get's quickly along here" She says, my face all brighten up "Yes ma'lady!!" i said without hesitation, oh my god i have a chance to be alone with Jeff!! i ran up of the stairs and up to me and Oliver's floor, as i entered the floor Jeff stood right infront of me with his back to me, he waved at Oliver, who had messier hair than usual, "Oh Hey Temza..i didn't see ya..well goodnight" Jeff said when he turned around and saw me, He passed me to go a floor up, seems they get along? Well that's perfect!! I have a better chance to get Jeff to like me then "Oi you so hard crushing ain't you" Oliver loudly laughed, i looks at him "Goddamnit i am so bad at this!" i frown and walks into Olivers room "It's okay...i don't think he have notices it yet..through everyone else has" he says calmly, i look at him and sits on his bed "Yeah yeah...but he might" i mumbles, i really would hate Jeff see this soft side of me.."Well don't worry you get him one day..i'm sure" Oliver says and hugs me, everything disappear...all my negative worries....nothing in this moment matters but Oliver hugging me, i am so grateful for Oliver to be my big brother..

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