I just can't forget

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I sighs okay, Jeff's right i should have a talk with Oliver, Jeff had already continue his walk, you can do it Temza! It just a talk with the person that betrayed you the most damnit! 

I walks outside towards the garage, I know Oliver had to clean up the mess of a garden garage we have, he was standing with gloves and a sweaty face, clearly working hard on it "So how did you found out he was..." i have no idea how to start this, Oliver looks up and smiles sadly wry, im not even sure what it is i want answer on! "When the lady asked me to show Jeff around, you know when you and Lisa did dishes" he starts, i nods "Well when we came to my room...it just happened" he was blushing, so already from day one they liked each other, great...i wasted so much time fuck you Oliver! Oliver came closer and went on knees looking sad at me "Look i am sorry...i should had told you sooner i wasn't to..uhm girls" he says i lifty an eyebrow "And i should defintely ahd told you earlier about Jeff, but i just" his eyes got red "I just couldn't make myself destoy your first crush like that...i didn't thought you would like him for that long i" "So you just planned never telling me right?" i bited him off, he bites his underlip and looks guilty away, ah so THAT was his plan huh!? "I know you would had accepted me but...i..don't knopw" he continue but i step away, how dare he come with such an pitiful excuse of an apology! "Alright it aint fair you only blame Oliver" Jeff's voice from behind says, we both looks at him, "I coudl just had told you i wasn't interessed in you, after all you are seriously terrible at hiding your feelings" Jeff says hmft rude, "I will do anything for you to forgive me Temza" Oliver says and stands up, anything? as if there is anything he can do!!!"Look i knew everythign about your feelings Temza, as well on how close you and Oliver were but believe me..He never talked about anything more than you! He always told em how amazing you are and how i should not tell you cause he didn't wanted to break your heart" Jeff says looking very guilty at me, well thats just fantastic even my own crush played me "In all the time you two weren't talking, he have cried every night" Jeff says, Oliver looks embarrassed away, he cried for me?  He want forgiveness...well "I have NOT forgiven you but" i says and look at Oliver" I'd love to have a movienight with you and Jeff...where you show the TRUE you" I says and smirks, I could hear Jeff giggling from behind then he walks towards Oliver and kisses him "No pronlems" Jeff says, urgh i still can't believe my crush was gay all along. 

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