Welcome to my...room?

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The school day ended as always with me getting low grades, i sighs "I always kinda been curious to see that creepy orphanage you live in" Ashley suddenly says, her sudden request surprises me she has never asked for that before, i looks in her eyes "Uhmm you can come over today? i don't have many duties so it should be over soon" i says....i got my usual 5 duties..but im sure i can ask one of the others to take over, just for today, Ashley smirks "wonderful!" she says and sends a text to someone probably Tony, she took her bag and starts walking, i follows her "Sooo is it like dusty and dark inside?" she asks "Not really...i mean we clean every day so obviously not..and the only dark thing is probable my room" she looks at me "I-i got no windows...but it is so me and Oliver could be very close at each other haha he is literally behind my wall" i chuckles and finish, she fell into deep thoughts, she often do that when she imagine or plan something maybe she is nervous? i mean she will be the first one to visit, i hope she won't fall for Jeff the moment she sees him with his brown hair, blue eyes, muscular body and healthy nails and skin, oh my god what if she make him fall for her the instant moment he sees her? But she is my friend right? she wouldn't do such dirty moves, we had arrived infront of the gate to the mansion "Jeez i havn't even came inside and it's already scaring me" Ashley says, we open the gate and walks towards the huge door, Katy one of the older people living in here is sweeping the floor, she is execpting to move out next month as she finally has finish school and is going to an university to become a doctor, she looks at Ashley obviously surprised but she didn't say anything, we went inside where Oliver and Jeff was talking, i guess they are pretty close? after all they have all day to get each other..i bet Oliver is talking about me to help me get Jeff! "Oh hey Temza and...Ashley?" Oliver greets and looks at Ashley "Hey" she looks around "Ahem so this is Jeff" i says and point at Jeff, i can feel my cheeks getting warm, she turns her eyes at Jeff and checks him out then she giggles "Oh i see" she says "Anywaaay lemme show you around" i says as we pass Oliver and Jeff i hand Oliver my duty list.

"I never knew a kitchen could be so huge!" Ashley says as we sat on my bed after half an hour tour, i smiles im glad i can impress Ashley "So Oliver sure has become better looking" She says and looks at me, my brother has become better looking? i havn't even noticed "His hair has become more blond" oh yeah that's right...over the summer he has become more blond! "Oh i never thought i see anything pink near you..let alone a teddybear" Ashley points at the teddybear Jeff had won to me, i pouts "W-whatever, Jeff gave it to me! That's all that matter" she rolls her eyes and started texting again, i need to step up my game! i should confess to him soon...but isn't it too soon? we only known each other for over a little week..is that too early or can i do just like Ashley?.

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