Beach day

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I waved Ashley goodbye as she left "I never thought i seen her here" Oliver's voice sounded from behind,i turn around "Well first time will come for anyone right? Thank you for doing my duties" i says, i'm truly garteful for he did my duties "No problems we had fun" he says, we? Did Jeff help as well? Awh he care doesn't he?! "Ahem Vane's the dinenr is ready" The lady's voice could be heard all the way from the the dining room, we looks at each other and smiles, i closes the door and follows Oliver to the dining room where everyone else was sitting and waiting for us.


It is so warm! i might get tanned!! we're on the beach as promised, i hate the beach but there is no way i miss a chance to see Jeff half naked "Be careful you are drolling" Oliver says, i ain't i??? i tries to dry my mouth but no drool "You wanna go into the water?" Oliver asks, i sighs but nods why not? we go into the water, having a few water fights while The other girls are sunbathing, the moemnt i look to the side Jeff is slowly standing up from swimming and the water drips down from him..god he is so hot he really looks like a model i gasps,how can such a perfect human be single?  he got it all! Beautiful ocean eyes, styled hair and a perfect sixpack gaah he is just everything! I'd do anything to make him like me it hasn't gone so well yet, but we also havn't known each other for long "Your seems to have fun" Jeff says and goes past us "Well i bette go up as well....i got a toilet to visit" Oliver says and swimwalks back to the beach too, eh well i might as well go for an ice cream i swimwalks towards the beach and ice cream truck, where Ashley and Her sister along with some blondish girl was standing "Oh my who've known the depressed would show up at a beach" Ashley sister says the moment i come close, what a rude thing to say, the blond girl was laughing, Ashley looks away her shoulders was shaking..awh she is crying for me? then she looks up but her eyes weren't wet nor red? weird, i got myself an ice cream lolipop, Ashleys sister were whispering something, i wonder if i should say something? Ain't worth it, Lisa waves to me anyway so i walks towards her "Omg have you heard this?" Lisa hands me her phone and headphones, i put them on my head and listen.

I take them off and give it back to Lisa "It's pretty good, have you seen Oliver and Jeff somewhere?" i aks "They went to the toilet it seems" she says and looks around, Ew.

As the day soon were over we started packing "It has been such a refreshing day" one girl says, Oliver and Jeff had FINALLY finish their business on the toilet, geez guys can take so long when they gotta go, my phone vibrated who on earth has sent me an sms? i hurried put on a beach dress before looking into my phone.

"Dear Temza, we have decided to disown you..however we will continue send you money to make sure you won't tell anyone about us, Last Ane (Your ex-mother) Ps. please tell Oliver we love him"

My heart feels like it has stopped beating, i'm dizzy..i feel like puking, where is everyone?? why..why did they leave? or did i stay behind? what just happened...i fell on knees trying to shake off the shock, how could they just disown their daughter like that? You carried me for 9 months mother...does that really not matter? "How pathetic!" the voice made me stand up Ashley and her sister and the blond girl was looking at me "She really is..did you know she has a pink teddybear as if she is 5 years old" Ashley sighed, why would she say that? "I heard her parents hates her and only wanted her away because-" Ashley looks at me and a wide smile appear "She is so useless, unfornately he rbrother decided to follow her, so they were almost forced to love her" Ashlet laugehd loud, her words felt like knives getting stab through my heart, how could she say such thing? Ashley's sister kicks me in the stomach, gargh! it feels like al air disappeared "I wouldn't love her either" Ashleys sister says "Right? it been 3 hard years" Ashley laughs and then stare directly in my eyes "I never liked you, you are only as much worth as your money...but i don't need that anymore" she says with a cold tone, i was played? in all those years i thought she was my only friend in school...but she didn't care? My money was everything for her??? All my tears had appeared i felt it dripsd on my cheeks, i pushes them away and run, i need Oliver! He is the only one who can prevent me from doing what i realæly wanna do right now. Die.

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