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prague, czech republic

The kids entered another bar and changed out of their clothes. Iduna was able to find a white buttoned shirt and some trousers from a destroyed clothing stall. Peter waited outside for her before they started their walk back to the hotel.

They walked in silence along the roads of Prague. The streetlights lit up their way back to the hotel as the echoes of celebrations carried on.

The tranquillity of the moment was something neither wanted to end. It was a bittersweet moment after the fight. The cooling period where the universe granted those who won a time for rest.

"I'm glad you came on this trip with me, Iduna," Peter says softly.

"Me too, Peter." Her lips tugged upwards a little. "So, why did you give Beck EDITH? I thought they were sentimental."

Peter's light expression dims. "He deserved EDITH. Tony trusted me to give EDITH to the next leader to protect this planet."

"EDITH the glasses?" Iduna chuckled. "That's ridiculous. Beck didn't even know Tony. Why would you think he deserved something Tony meant for you to keep?"

The teens turned to walk across a bridge. "EDITH isn't just a pair of glasses. She's an AI tactical device. I accidentally used her power and almost killed us on the bus, remember?"

Iduna laughs again. "No... wait..."

"EDITH controls all of Stark's satellites and tactical software. I'm not the one who should be trusted with all that responsibility."

Iduna stops in the middle of the bridge. "You are telling me you gave a piece of deadly technology to a complete stranger?"

"Well, no, he saved- "

"Beck is some random man who apparently comes from another universe and using a glass sphere as a helmet that fogs up, which by the way makes no sense because how can he see through that?" Iduna was slowly putting the puzzle pieces together.

"Yeah? And I don't know about his helmet."

Iduna stopped in her tracks. "Peter!"

Peter looks back slightly before throwing his arms out. "What?" Iduna didn't speak. "I'm not responsible anymore. I get to be normal, maybe just for a while longer." Iduna could see that Peter was relieved. His energy had shifted. It was no longer frantic and anxious. Now he was relaxed and calm. She didn't want to spoil his mood

The girl looked out over the bridge just as a gust of wind flowed straight past them. "I still think giving those glasses to Beck is risky. Morrigan wouldn't give her crown to a stranger." She gave Peter a sneaky side-eye.

Peter smirked. "I know, but Beck saved us. He was willing to fight for a planet that wasn't even his." She arched her brow. He saw that. "Only some of the most selfless people I know would do that." Iduna's cheeks redden as she jabbed an elbow into his side.

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