xi. cold to the touch (reprise)

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chapter eleven cold to the touch (reprise)

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chapter eleven
cold to the touch (reprise)

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"COME ON, Derek!"

Odessa Stone sighed from her spot outside of the elevator. The hospital seemed to finally be empty of Alphas and the lights were completely shut off. After she and Stiles watched Scott walk away with Deucalion, they went back to Derek who was still passed out in the elevator. The two teens didn't speak about what happened a few moments ago, but they felt the heavy weight that fell upon them when they watched their friend turn his back on them. Odessa didn't even try to console the boy, knowing it wasn't the right place or time, no matter how much she wanted to help. She just had to listen to his shaky breaths and rapid heartbeat and help him when the time was right.

After a few good slaps, nothing was working to wake the Hale. Stiles lifted his fist and brought it down, only for the man to catch his wrist before it could connect with his face. The blonde turned her back from the hallway to face the two.

"Where is she," Derek asked gravely, looking around the elevator.

"Jennifer? Gone with Scott's Mom."

"He took her?"

"Yeah," Stiles nodded rapidly, his breathing still erratic, "and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion, okay? So we gotta get you outta here. The police are coming right now, and we gotta get you the hell out of here."

Derek sat up with wide eyes, his hand still wrapped around Stiles' wrist, "woah. What about Cora?"

"She's safe, Derek," Odessa interjected, "she's with Peter and Isaac on the other side of the building."

Derek didn't hesitate to speed out of the elevator, leaving the two teens in silence. Now it was time to hold off the cops.

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The sound of sirens was something Odessa was getting used to. The blonde sat next to Stiles in their chairs against the hospital hallway, the two not saying anything to each other. Odessa wanted to start something to take his mind off of what he was thinking, which was no doubt his Dad, but she knew nothing would work. The door opened to see a man in a suit, presumably giving orders to the FBI agents that roamed the halls. It was only when the man look over to them did the Stone see Stiles' reaction.

"Who's that," the girl asked, watching the man stride over.

Stiles sighed, leaning his head against the back of his chair, "someone you don't want to know."

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