liii. a charity game

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chapter fifty threea charity game

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chapter fifty three
a charity game

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LOVE was something Odessa Stone wasn't sure she would ever feel toward someone so strongly. Don't get her wrong, she loved everyone in her life.

She loved Melissa because the woman was basically her Mom at that point. She loved Scott because he was pretty much her brother. She loved Lydia, Liam, Kira and Malia because they were her closest friends. She even held love for Silas, but strictly in a friendly way. Odessa held so much love for everyone.

But she never thought she would ever fall in love with someone.

Being in love was something out of fairytales her own Mother, Alina, used to read to her before going to bed at night. How the princess fell in love with the brave prince who saved her and they lived happily ever after. It was every girl's dream—she could only guess.

Odessa would have never guessed, however, that she would find that kind of love in her life. A true, passionate, almost addicting love. But she found it in the most unlikely kind of person.

Stiles Stilinski was, to put it quite plainly, a jerk to Odessa the first week and a half of her being at Beacon Hills. He didn't trust her and made sure she knew it, he made snide comments, he made assumptions about her, he tried to leave her out of things with the pack. Classic untrusting Stiles.

But something blossomed from that. When Stiles saved her at the Glen Capri and apologized on the bus the next morning, something... shifted. One little apology changed everything between them. It finally allowed them to explore a friendship that sprouted into an undeniable attraction, to eventually... love.

At least for Odessa.

Truth be told, the blonde was terrified to even utter the words in and love to another human being. Because there was always the nagging feeling of painful and dreadful rejection. Odessa didn't think Stiles would shoot her down, but even the softest of trailed and confused oh's could ruin everything. Her relationship with Stiles was everything. She didn't want to jeopardize what they had—she couldn't. Stiles and Beacon Hills were the best things that had ever happened to Odessa.

She'd be damned if she was going to let a confession she could keep to herself destroy it all.

It had been a week since the McCall pack saved Lydia from Eichen and it had also been a week since Odessa used her powers to wake Lydia up at the Animal Clinic. During the week spent not chasing after anything supernatural, the blonde used her free time looking up anything that had to do with Embers, and even Ember Wolves. She knew she was the last one, possibly the only one in existence, but she needed answers.

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