Part 4

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"Why are you smiling?" Ganon asked. "I'm not!" I replied. Then there was a big bang. "Links here!" Ganon shouted. "No he's not." I said. "Sure." Ganon said sarcastically laughing.

Brylee's POV:

We went into the castle using a window. We were hoping for the element of surprise. Me and Landon went ahead to create a distraction. "POYO!!!" I said loudly. "POYO POYO POYO POYO POYO POYO POYO POYO POYO!!" Me and Landon said giving Link a chance to help Zelda (A.K.A Hailey) "Link!" Zelda shouted. Link blushed. Just then Brylee, Landon, and the rest came in. "PICHU! DONKEY KONG COME ON!!" I yelled. They appeared right next to me. "GO NOW! Pichu use Skull Bash! Donkey Kong use giant punch!!!" Hailey was struggling to get out of the chains. I turned back into my human form. I was exhausted. I know I would have to change back so Donkey Kong and Pichu didn't disappear. I changed back.

Landons POV

When Brylee yelled "Go now!" I ran into the room. Zelda/Hailey was chained to the wall. Ganon and Link were by her, her triforce still glowing on her hand. Link couldn't free her anymore. He had to fight Ganon so it was up to me to save her. I went over to her. Ganon and Link were locked in combat. I looked behind me. Brylee was calling Donkey kong and Pichu. I went and walked over to Zelda. I tried to break the chains with my hands, but it didn't work, so I needed to do my sword move. "Link do you have the master sword yet?" Hailey asked. Link nodded in return and pulled it out. They started fighting. I needed to get Hailey free. I thought to myself. I used my sword move and brought it down on one of the chains. "Clang!" The chain did not break. I changed back into my human self and I fumbled with the chains. Hailey was still trying to break free. "I can use the hero sword as soon as I get out of this mess." Link said guarding himself with his shield.

Zeldas: POV

There was so much fighting but yet I was still stuck. I was struggling to wait for Link to save me. Our tri forces were still glowing on our hands. Then I realized I forgot to do my firepower. I hurried and twisted my hand and one of the chains broke then I turned and did my other hand. I was finally free. I teleported in front of Link to distract Ganon. Link went from behind Ganon and then Ganon was finished.

Brylee's POV

"Thank you. You can go back. If you are needed I'll summon you." I said before Donkey kong and Pichu disappeared. "Time to go," Landon said. "Okay, Kirby you..." I trailed off as I turned into my human form. "KIRBY'S GONE!! HE SOMEHOW GOT OUT OF MY BACKPACK!!!" " "I want to help but I need to stay in the game and I mean stay in here for a long time, almost forever... with Link, I'm sorry." Hailey said. I "I can't believe it. I let him escape. I have to look for him." I said, feeling guilty. "See you guys soon." I said, hoping it was true." I hope I can see you in my game sometime," Zelda said." "Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now." Landon said sadly. "But we can all visit each other when" we want, at least.'' Landon said. "I thought you guys were becoming human again but that will never happen.." Zelda said then walked away with Link. "I have to find Kirby. It's my fault." "I am going to go back to where I belong.... On earth in my human form." Landon said. "I will meet up with you after I find Kirby. It's my fault he's gone in the first place..." I said

Landon's POV

After we said our farewells, I went out of the castle and teleported back to earth. I could still become Kirby, and I still visited Brylee and Hailey/Zelda.

Zelda's POV:

I was heading back to the castle to share the news with Link. The guardians were there and we all celebrated but it was late and we needed to head to bed. I headed to my room and quickly fell asleep. I had the strangest dream.

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