Part 5

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I saw Brylee and Landon with Kirby in the Nintendo lab. They were Talking to them but I don't know what it was very strange was it about me?

Brylee's POV

I found Kirby wandering around the forest. All of a sudden something grabbed me and started pulling me into the shadows. I dropped my backpack. "KIRBY!! GET LANDON!!!" I woke up. I was in a dark room. There was no light source. I saw two red lights then the outline of someone. "Where is princess Zelda?" The thing asked. "I'm not sure." I said shakily."All I know is she is with Link." I was nervous. The shadow put his fist in his hand and walked away then I saw a light and he was gone. I still had my charm bracelet with the 3 charms. I tried changing into Kirby. It didn't work. I remembered about Pichu and Donkey Kong. I tried summoning them. It worked. "Could you guys help me? I am stuck. Explore a little bit and see if you can find an exit." I said to them. They nodded and walked away. They melted into the shadows. I was nervous because I didn't know what was going to happen if the person that locked me in here found Pichu and Donkey Kong. I tried to contact Kirby and Landon. "KIRBY" "Poyo?" "KIRBY!! You can hear me! I need help! Tell Landon!" All of a sudden I couldn't hear him anymore. He must be telling Landon

Landon's POV

I had just finished with my homework when I heard "POYO KIRBY!!! I turned around. There was Kirby. "What is it, Kirby??" I asked. He made some gestures with his hands and kept saying "Poyo! Poyo!!!! Poyo!!! POYOOOOOOOO!!"! I could partially understand him. "So, Brylee got kidnapped?" I asked Kirby nodded. I needed to get Zelda. As long as I can find Link I can find Zelda. Just then Link teleported to me he was dark with red eyes. Let's go to Hyrule, he said. He teleported to Zelda and he grabbed her, threw me and teleported. All of a sudden Link appeared. "Where's Zelda?" He asked. "I thought you had her. You just came..." I remembered suddenly how Hailey had told me and Brylee about a person named Dark Link. And how he was in Twilight princess and he would bring the twilight and many people would turn to shadows or spirits But Zelda would have to turn to a shadow I didn't know what would happen to Brylee if that happened. She might turn into a spirit not knowing Kirby pulled on my sleeve. " POYO KIRBY. POYO KIRBY!!!" Kirby said.

Zelda's POV:

"Dark link what do you want?" I demanded. "This!" he said. He touched me and I became dark Zelda. I didn't have pupils anymore. I was a shadow but I was still living. Dark link was controlling me. "I have your friend. I wouldn't do anything to anger me if I were you." I tried to run but with his control I couldn't move. Go back to Hyrule and make me the King I teleported. I wasn't in control.

Landons POV:

I went to Hyrull to see Zelda but instead of her on the throne Dark Link was and Zelda was next to him but something was off. I saw Zelda had no pupils and she was controlled by Dark Link. I was hiding with Link. The real one.

Brylee's POVI hadn't seen my captor in a while so I tried escaping. "That's a no no. You better not try that again." A voice said. My captor is able to hide in the shadows very well. I felt a burning sensation in my skin then it suddenly went away. "Something is here. Don't move. I will know." Where is Landon and Zelda?" I demanded. "You mean the boy with the weird pink marshmallow? I don't know. I know where SHE is." The sensation was getting worse. The person keeping me here was gone. I gotta get out of here." I repeated in my head. "What if something bad happened to Landon, Zelda and Kirby?? I could never forgive myself." Donkey Kong and Pichu suddenly appeared. "Did you find an exit?" I asked. They both nodded. "Ok." I heard footsteps. I made them disappear and just in time. Someone opened the door. My captor walked through with a person. "Stay out of my way." They said. "Or else." If I looked close enough, I saw Pit. I was confused. What would Dark Link want with Pit? I was lost in thought so I didn't see another shadow move as Dark Link left the room. 

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