Chapter 1

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I was kind of nervous walking in on my first day but I already met the girls of the BAU so at least I had some people to talk to. They all seemed nice and instantly warmed up to me. I could sense the sexual tension between Emily and JJ but I didn't say anything because they need to figure their feelings out first. Penelope was like a bright light in a sea full of darkness. She lit up any room she walked into.

Once I walked in I saw Penelope "Happy very first day my beauty!" she said while trying to run to me in lime green heels. "Good morning to you too Penelope!" I said back while meeting her for a quick hug. I tried not to drop the coffees that I had brought with me for the team. I had gotten their orders from Penny because she is a genius.

"You must be Agent y/l/n hi im Spencer Reid and this is Derek Morgan." I heard a voice say behind me and there were two guys standing there. I turned around and Derek immediately pulled me in for a hug and Spencer waved at me which I respected his boundaries. I handed all three of them their coffee and asked Derek to give Rossi, JJ and Emily theirs when they arrived as I kept mine and Agent Hotchners.

"Yes I am Agent y/l/n but you can call me y/n." I said smiling "Can one of you lead me to Agent Hotchner's office I have to give him these papers?" I asked while holding a file in my hand. "Yeah sure follow me" Spencer said and I walked next to him.

"Hotch can come off as rude but don't let him fool you; he warms up quickly at least to me he did." He said before I could knock on the door it swung open and there stood a tall man with dark hair who looked angry.

"You must be Agent y/l/n I am Agent Hotchner, we have no time there is a case." He said grabbing the file out of my hand and walking to the conference room. Spencer and I followed him and sat down I slide his coffee to him and he barley acknowledged me.

"There are a string of sexual assault cases in Delaware and we have been called in to assist. 3 female dancers have gone missing and turned up dead in the last month. They all show signs of sexual assault and it looks like they were held for 3 days before being killed. Wheels up in 10." Agent Hotchner said before exiting the room.

We all went to our desks and grabbed our go bags and headed to the jet. I sat next to Spencer with Emily and JJ sitting across from us. 

"Agent y/l/n dealt with many sexual assault cases in her career so I think she should be the one to go undercover as a female dancer in hopes that the unsub lures her out and we catch him." Agent Rossi said as we all sat together.

"You want me to go undercover?" I was shocked since it was only my first day. "Yes you fit his age and type is that problem?" He asked. "No. No problem." I responded before playing with my fingers and looking out of the window.

"I do not think that this is a good idea we should send in Prentiss since she has more experience and this is y/n's first day." Agent Hotchner spoke in an angry and demanding tone.

"Rossi is right Hotch y/n fits the unsubs type and we will be with her the whole time." Derek chimed in.

Spencer noticed that I was quiet about the topic and asked if I was okay and patted his shoulder for me to lay on. "I am fine but why does he always seem so angry?" I asked while putting my head on his shoulder.

"He is just trying to act hard and he will warm up." Spencer kissed my forehead and began reading Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut to me. Agent Hotchner didn't look too happy and me and Spencer got comfortable but I didn't care we are just friends and just a minute ago he thought that I wasn't capable of doing this operation.

After reading 3 chapters of the book Spencer asked if we wanted to play cards. We all nodded in agreement. "You better watch him y/n he cheats!" Derek said from the other side of the plane.

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