Chapter 7

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We walked inside hand in hand and went to sit down at our designated seats. After about an hour of listening to some guy speak about how rich he is I had to use the bathroom so Aaron walked with me and waited outside of the door. When I exited the bathroom Aaron was gone.

I looked around but I couldn't see him and since he had an FBI phone on him I could track him. I followed the signal into a storage closet and when I saw Aaron tied to a chair with Damon pointing a gun at the back of his head.

"Put the gun down Damon!" i shouted and Aaron told me to run but i didn't listen "Or what Grace you'll shoot me, I am in love with you and we are meant to be when I saw you at the last event you weren't like the other girls I could see your past and all of your pain in your eyes. You don't love him." he spat.

"If you truly love me Damon you would put your gun down and we can both get out of here." i said "If you touch her I will kill you!" Aaron screamed and I shot Damon in his shoulder making him drop his gun. I ran over to him and grabbed the gun before putting him in cuffs.

Then I untied Aaron and we called for help.

When the police arrived they arrested Damon and took him to get checked out then I took Aaron to the ambulance. He sat down and let them check him out and then Strauss called me.

"Good work Agents your jet leaves at 2pm tomorrow so enjoy california while you can." then she hung up and I looked at Aaron and hugged him.

"He hit me in the head and took me to the closet. I'm sorry for leaving you y/n" he said "Aaron Christopher Hotchner stop apologizing for things you can't control." i said before pulling him in for a kiss.

We walked to the car and once we got in he asked "y/n these past couple of days with you have been amazing and even before this case I knew I liked you so I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend?"

I was so happy "Yes i would love to, but when we get back we have to sign the relationship forms." I said and we kissed. "But we are still not doing anything until we get home." i said when we pulled away and he sighed "Making me wait will only make it worse for you my love." he smirked.

We drove back to the house and I decided tonight was his turn to release. I undid his belt and pulled his pants and boxers down before palming his dick. "Hard already are we." I smirked before getting on my knees.

I took his length in my hands and began giving him a hand job then I licked up the thick vien that showed on his dick and put the tip in my mouth. After a few seconds I added more of it into my mouth and quickened my pace.

He grabbed my hair and began to moan; then he pushed my head and I gagged and he seemed to like that so i continued putting as much of it in my mouth and using my hands to reach the rest of it.

"y/n you're doing so good! you're such a good girl for me." he moaned

After about 2 or 3 minutes he came and I felt his warm liquids in my mouth and I swallowed it then got up and went to the kitchen to get some water.

He came into the kitchen with just his boxers on and hugged me from behind. "Thank you my love." he said before turning me and kissing me on the lips.

We made shrimp alfredo and then watched some horror movies. I fell asleep with my head on his lap then the next morning I woke up in our bed and he was laying on my chest.

He woke up a few minutes after me and we spent the day packing our clothes and getting ready to leave. We went to lunch and went shopping. I got spencer 8 new books and I bet he will finish them before our next case, penelope 3 new mugs and a bunch of cute little statues for here cave, got morgan a gift card for a restaurant in hopes that he takes his girlfriend, I got emily a new pantsuit and JJ a cute dress for their date that me and Spencer are planning. Then I got some whiskey and cigars for Rossi. Lastly I got Aaron some special night time things.

He also got the team gifts and then we got to the jet. He sat up on the couch and I laid my head on his lap. "So when are we telling the team?" I asked "I wanted to tell them once we turned in the paperwork." he said.

"Okay." I pecked his lips and laid back down and this time he read to me.

When the jet landed the team was there waiting for us and they all looked so happy especially when they saw us walking out hand in hand. "OH MY GOD!" Penelope screamed as she ran towards us and I let go of Aaron's hand to hug her.

"Are you two.. You know?" she asked and I turned to look at him and he had a huge smile plastered on his face "Yes we are Garcia." he said and she hugged me again and I could hear the whole team cheering. "About time lovebirds!" Emily shouted.

I hugged the whole team, even Spencer and we walked back to the building. When we got inside we gave everyone their gifts and went into Aarons office to fill out the paperwork.

Once we finished with the paperwork we walked it to Strauss and she was happy for some reason, its like someone took over her body.

Then we went back to his office to get our things. I bent over to grab my things and he put his hand on my ass and began rubbing it "You know we aren't on a case anymore." he said and I got up "Well we are still on FBI property and I have yet to give you your gifts". I walked out of his office and he followed me.

When we got to my car I drove us to my place and ordered chinese takeout so it would be there when we got there. 

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