Chapter 4: Identity Crisis

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Chapter 4: Identity Crisis
Sophie was on a hike with the girls and Mads and Riley were ahead of them.

Sophie: *out of breath* girls slow down! You two are too far ahead
Kristy: what did Joe say about staying close! We don't know the area yet!
Twins: sorry *runs back over*
Sophie: it's okay girls, just watch your surroundings next time
Kristy: their better be an air conditioning mall up their
Claudia: who idea was it to go on a hike?
Kristy: Nick, he said we don't get enough exercise
Sophie: remind me to kill my little brother when we get back home
Claudia: I mean he's not wrong, it took us this long to get to the top. We are out of shape ladies
Mads: not Riley and I. You three are just weak
Kristy: no it's because you two are the youngest and we are getting too old for this
Sophie: I wish I was princess so I could have someone walk for me

Sophie almost ran into someone and Sophie said.

Sophie: oh sorry. I didn't see you.
Guy: That's ok. Well, if someone was going to run into me. I'm glad it was you. Hey, I know you guys. I'm your neighbor. Cute orange house, right
Sophie: *shakes hands with him* Sophie, this is Kristy, Claudia and the twins Riley and Mads
Guy: Ben. Nice to meet you girls
Girls: *smiles at him* you too
Sophie: sorry. I'm... I'm such a mess. I was attacked... by a bear
Mads: we didn't see any bears *gets mouth covered by Kristy* ohhhh
Ben: I'm guessing you're more of an indoor girl
Sophie: I'm more like a wall and window person
Ben: That's probably why I haven't seen you on the trail before. You want to maybe do something inside like eating some frozen yogurt or something
Riley: I want frozen yogurt *mouth to get covered by Kristy*

Kristy struggled to keep two of her sisters' mouths closed.

Sophie: really? Yeah.
Ben: Great. I'll pick you up around 7?
Sophie: Perfect
Ben: cute orange house?
Sophie: that's me
Ben: bye

They both wave and leave and then the girl squeals for Sophie, mostly Kristy and Claudia.

Sophie: I can't believe he's just asked me out!
Kristy: I know! He's cute!
Mads: I thought you liked Joe
Riley: yeah what about Joe
Sophie: Girls', when two people agree to be friends, then it's okay to start seeing other people.
Mads: okay... but it would have been cool to have you as a sister if you and Joe did date
Sophie: I get it girls I do, but we are particularly like sisters since Nick is apart of your family now and I'm apart of his life just like I am in yours

The twins hug Sophie and she smiles at them.

Sophie: Nick right, we should go hiking more often
Kristy: so not fair, where's my night and shiny armor
Sophie: You'll find him one day. Come on girls let's go

The girls head out. Later with Joe and Nick, they were both hanging out at the coffee shop with DZ.

Dz: big announcement to tell you guys that will help both your careers. I know you two are looking for a manager and I know someone one That works for Justin Timberlake's assistant. Not only will it help him, but it will also help you two. His manager is looking for another client, any of you two interested
Joe: Well I already have a manager, so looks like that's up to you bud. Are you up to that?
Nick: sure why not, I did come to California with you guys to start my career so what a great way to have help with it
DZ: Alright! I'll call JT's assistance so we can set up a meeting
Nick: thanks DZ, you know if you get me these managers I just might have to get you my assistant
Dz: really?
Joe: Are you sure about that Nick? I don't know if working with friends is such a good idea
Nick: well DZ isn't really a friend, he's more of a... What are you again?
DZ: the annoying guy who lives next door
Nick: exactly

Later the girls were on Melrose Avenue after completing their shopping trip.

Kristy: I can't believe you're going on your first LA Date. If he has a brother can you let him know I'm available
Sophie: Kristy don't act so desperate, your time will come
Kristy: but there's one issue we need to discuss that the girls mentioned earlier on our hike
Sophie: what?
Kristy: Joe, how are you going to tell him about Ben?
Sophie: Am I supposed to?
Kristy: I don't know if you're a guest and if Ben shows up Joe is going to be extremely confused unless of course he thinks Ben is my date, even tho I would be getting some questioning looks from Joe because of our age difference
Sophie: okay, I need you to pretend to be your brother so I know how he will act
Kristy: ooo, that's easy I always wanted to role play Joe. Now what would you say to me?
Sophie: so... Joe, um, I met a guy
Kristy: No! No! how could you betray me?!
Twins: *giggles*
Sophie: Kristy, he's not gonna do that
Kristy: you don't know my brother that well. I was just showing the worst-case scenario
Sophie: okay... um, well, can we please try the best-case scenario?
Kristy: ok, fine
Sophie: so, Joe, I met this guy and we're gonna go on a date.
Kristy: oh, that's great. Have fun. I never had feelings for you anyway.
Sophie: *gives Kristy look* that's the best case scenario
Kristy: oh wait, here's 50 bucks. Take him someplace classy. *does Joe's signature look* huh? *Sophie walks away and Claudia and the twins clap* Huh? Huh? Wasn't that helpful? Wait, wait!

With Joe:

Joe was outside when Sophie spotted him.

Sophie: Joe?
Joe: Sophie!
Sophie: whose dog is this? Hi baby
Joe: this is Chakra. He belongs to Gigi
Gigi: oh, we belong to each other.
Joe: *chuckles*
Sophie: Gigi. Expecting rain?
Gigi: oh, no. I'm playing a ghost in Forever April. So I can't be in the sun. I tan-uber easily.
Sophie: Uber awesome
Gigi: *sighs* Joe is such a sweetheart. Agreeing to dog sit Chakra for me
Sophie: *looks at Joe surprised* Wow. So, you're dog sitting...
Joe: yeah.
Sophie: For Gigi.
Gigi: *nods agreeing*
Sophie: okay
Gigi: we, I'm spending the weekend in an underground spa, so...
Sophie: oh, let me guess, uber exclusive?
Gigi: oh, no. It's literally underground... in a cave
Joe: So what's up Sophie? Did you take the girls shopping today?
Sophie: yeah they were perfect little angels
Joe: I knew you would be, you're such a great babysitter to them. The girls love you.
Sophie: So I was told. Um, I just came to say hi. And now I'm going. So Joe, happy dog sitting. Gigi, watch out for bats *walks away*

Just as Sophie left the twins spot the dog and Riley said.

Riley: what a cute dog!
Mads: is it ours?
Joe: actually it's for Gigi. I'm dog sitting
Mads: oh, hi Gigi.
Gigi: hi girls, you two look adorable in your matching outfits
Twins: we hate it
Mads: I told you to change
Riley: What do you mean?! I wore it first, you copied me
Mads: how am I supposed to copy you when we don't share the same room anymore
Riley: I think that's the problem because we always made sure we wouldn't look alike
Joe: you two agreed that you wanted your own rooms when we moved out here
Gigi: why don't you two want to look alike
Twins: it's awful!
Mads: nobody could tell us apart
Riley: not even our brother Joe
Joe: hey... I can tell you girls apart
Riley: oh... really *switch places with Mads* who am I, Mads or Riley
Joe: *looks between them* uh... Mads?
Riley: ugh! I'm Riley
Mads: am I Mads. I'm changing out of this outfit *walks into the house*
Riley: me too *follows after her*
Joe: sorry! *to Gigi* Sorry the twins are going through identity issues right now. New place, new neighborhood, new school. They hate dressing alike
Gigi: I don't blame them
Joe: Excuse me?
Gigi: Joe, would it kill you to at least try to tell them apart? Maybe the reason why they don't like dressing the same anymore is because you can't tell them apart
Joe: look I haven't been in the girls life because I left before they were born. I was a complete stranger to them. I only visited around holidays and birthdays
Gigi: for the past 3 or 4 years of living with them, have you not even learned to tell them apart?
Joe: no. I mean each girl has two different personalities so it was always easier to tell them apart when they were not dressing alike
Gigi: I don't think the issue is the girls. I think it's you and you need to talk to them about it. Or they might resent you when they're are older for not telling them apart
Joe: your right, I guess I didn't want to be the reason to realize that I was causing their identity issues

Gigi gives him a smile and Joe gives a smile back.

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