Chapter 7: Fashion Crisis

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I haven't done a spanking chapter yet so.... here goes nothing.

Chapter 7:

Riley, Claudia and Kristy were playing poker but Riley thought they were playing another game when Riley put down a card.

Kristy: Riley, we are playing Poker
Riley: oh, then I'll take 3
Mads: *comes down the stairs in a cute outfit* Okay be honest, what does this dress say to you?
Riley: Hey look at me, I used to be curtains?
Mads: no, it says. I need the matching handbag
Kristy: I think you look great Mads
Mads: great? Great not good enough, this is my first LA birthday party and it's going to be a showcase for spring fashion. I have to have the handbag
Kristy: maybe I can convince Joe to get it for you
Joe: *comes down the stairs dress*
Kristy: oh wow Joe looking sharp for your date tonight with Gigi, don't you just-
Joe: save it Kristy, Mads already asked me, she's not getting the handbag.
Kristy: *looks to Joe then Mads* you're on your own kid
Mads: *gets up* fine, grade the fashion failure. I'll just go to the party Saturday with my cheesy leopard skin purse *storms off*
Riley: well that was a little mean
Joe: hey, Madison needs to learn how to budget her own money
Riley: not that, I'm the one that bought her the leopard skin purse  *gets up and leaves room*
Joe: And first of all it's not a date. Just friends coming over
Kristy: Does she know that?
Claudia: and since when does friends "dress up" to do rehearsal
Kristy: seems like a date to me
Joe: goodnight girls, go to bed *starts to head out*
Kristy: by the way Joe those sneakers look amazing with your outfit by the way
Joe: thanks but Mads still can't have the handbag
Kristy: then you might want to go change *leaves with Claudia*

Joe rolled his eyes and headed out himself.

Later that night.
Mads was in her room on her computer looking up the handbag to buy. Just then Riley opens the door, scaring Mads.

Mads: Riley, you scared me
Riley: good, then today wasn't a total waste *walks up to her* so... what are you doing that you're not supposed to be doing
Mads: I found the handbag I wanted on the internet. I'm going to order it
Riley: I'll be right back *close her door and turns to her* Are you crazy?  I didn't even try something like that. I can't believe you're dumb enough to- *looks at the computer* Wow, that is a nice handbag. Can I have that before Joe kills you!
Mads: see I'm not actually buying it. After I take it to the party. I'm going to send it back, just like borrowing from Kristy only borrowing from Bloomingdale
Riley: Mads, I can't let you do this
Mads: oh yeah? One click of the mouse and it's a done deal
Riley: Madison no *grabs her*
Mads: *struggling against her* Riley get off me
Riley: no, I'm doing this for your own good

*knock on door*

Twins: *turns to the door* Who is it?
???: Sophie *enters* okay... what's going on?
Riley: oh I was just showing Mads how to do the highlick
Mads: yeah for first aid class. Tomorrow, I get to show Riley how to climb an open womb
Sophie: yeah right, listen you guys, I just came up because Ben called to invite you to go riding tomorrow. Riley you love horses, I thought you might want to come
Riley: uh... no thanks. I'm not into riding anymore
Sophie: Oh okay. So it's just me and Ben. Just the two of us
Mads: Why did I think you liked Ben?
Sophie: I do... it's just I don't want him to think I'm bad at...
Riley: horseback riding
Sophie: yeah, and I was hoping you being there would help take the edge off
Mads: Maybe it's a good thing you're not good at horseback riding. Ben could teach you a few tricks
Sophie: yeah I guess, well you two have fun with whatever you're doing
Twins: bye... love you

Sophie left and Mads quickly hit the send button.

Mads: yes! Hey, why didn't you stop me?
Riley: cause this is the kind of thing that will put me on the top favorite

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