Chapter 6: Family First

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Haven't uploaded since March but I'm back now!

Chapter 6: Family First

Riley and Mads were hanging out in the front yard. When a group of friends their age came over.

???: hey
Riley/Mads: hey!
???: Are you two identical twins?
???: duh moron they look alike
???: Excuse my twin brother. Hi my name is Max, that's my twin brother Austin and these are my friends, April and Abby
April: Are you guys new in town? We never seen you before
Riley: yeah my sister and I just moved here with our older brother Joe Jonas
Max: oh you guys are the girls that everyone buzzing about
Riley/Mads: what?
Max: have you guys not looked yourself up?

The girls looked at Max's phone when they showed her.

Riley: huh, didn't know we were on famous birthday
Max: if you're on famous birthday you're officially an influencer
Riley: is says we are known for being Joe's sister tho
Max: siblings always get the perks, even when they don't try hard
Mads: how do they know all this stuff about us?
Max: I don't know maybe you should ask him
Joe: girls super time!
Riley/Mads: *turns around to see Joe at the door* coming!
Riley: we have to go
Max: is that your brother
Mads: yeah
April: Wow he's so hot in person. I wish I had a hot brother
Riley/Mads: *uncomfortable* yeah...
Max: Hey, maybe you girls would like to hang out with us later. We are going to head down the piers and check out the fair in town
Mads: sure but we have to ask out brother first
Mads: sure, here's our number if you want to reach us, you have a phone

Riley took out her phone and handed it to Max and she put her number in it.

Max: great, I will put you in our group chat, just send me your sister's number. Bye!
Riley/Mads: bye! *runs up to Joe* Joe!
Joe: who were you two talking too
Riley: just some friends we met, they came up to us when we were playing
Mads: can we go with them to the pier there's a carnival in town
Joe: I don't know who those kids are. I would have to meet their parents first, plus you girls are new
Riley: what if Sophie watches
Joe: if she says yes I don't see why not
Riley/Mads: yay!!! Thanks Joe *hugs him*
Mads: By the way Joe, how does famous birthday know about us?
Joe: huh?
Mads: hold on *checks website on phone and shows it to him*
Joe: oh boy
Riley: What's wrong?
Joe: I do not want people knowing about you girls. I want to give you three some privacy as much as possible. I'm going to have to contact famous birthdays and remove you girls
Riley: aww come on Joe, it's just a website. I'm sure it's not that serious anyways
Kristy: *comes in* Joe!! Guest what!!!
Joe: what?
Kristy: I'm top 10 on famous birthdays!
Joe: how?
Kristy: They may have seen the video I filmed at our party when you were performing for the first time, and it gave me so much boost. The fans are so excited to see you making music again, and uh... I may have an instagram
Joe: Excuse me?
Kristy: what I'm old enough
Joe: yes you're old enough, but you didn't ask for my permission
Kristy: *ignores him* Also this guy Hayden Summeral dm on my instagram and wants me to meet up with his family to discuss Rock Your Hair, please can I go?
Joe: hold on, hold on! You have an instagram!
Kristy: yeah... almost got 1 million... am I not supposed to...
Joe: girls the whole point of me going to LA, is for Nick and I to follow our dreams. I'm not saying that you 3 aren't allowed too as well, but I'm trying to respect mom and dad's wishes
Kristy: no offense Joe, but mom and dad aren't around anymore
Mads: I agree, we should be able to become famous too not just you and Nick
Riley: *annoyed with her sisters* What is wrong with you two? Ever since we moved to LA you two have lost touch of where you come from. First you disrespect mom and dad now Joe? We always respected them no matter what and then you go and abandoned them?! What happened to not letting fame get to our head *leaves room upset*
Mads: I never seen Riley blow up like that
Kristy: *sighs* but she's right. We have been acting crazy since we've been here.
Joe: I think it's more than that tho, we should go talk to her
Kristy/Mad: right

They found Riley outside sitting on the patio and they sat down next to her.

Riley: *annoyed with them and turns to them* what?
Mads: Riley we didn't mean to let LA get to our heads
Kristy: I guess we kind of got excited about moving
Riley: well I didn't want to move
Joe: Then why did you agree?
Riley: You guys all seemed so happy to move out. I didn't want to ruin that
Joe: hey we all have to agree to the move, if one of us wasn't happy with it I wouldn't take the offer. You girls are my priority first
Riley: Im fine with you following your dreams Joe, I just don't want you guys to forget where you come from and forget about mom and dad
Kristy: hey, we will never forget them, they're always gonna be right here *points to her heart*
Riley: *smiles at her siblings* well I'm glad you guys are here
Kristy: us too

They siblings hugged each other and Joe said to Riley.

Joe: mom and dad would be very proud of you kiddo *kiss forehead*
Riley: *smiles* thanks Joe
Mads: I'm proud of you too *hugs her side*
Kristy: *to Joe* Can I still do the Rock Your Hair?
Joe: *sighs* fine, as long as you don't let the fame get to your head and it doesn't interfere with your school work
Kristy: I promise I won't, thanks Joe
Joe: tell Hayden's parents that Nick and I would like to meet his parents to talk about it
Kristy: okay
Joe: oh and if you ever make a social media account without my permission again, I'm going to make sure you don't have internet access while on punishment
Kristy: y-yes sir
Joe: I love you girls
Girls: we love you too Joe

The family hang out together in the backyard and Nick and Sophie joined in on them too.

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