Chapter 14: Twins's Birthday

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Chapter 14: Twins's Birthday
The twins were waking up from their bed after Joe and Nick shot confetti in their rooms.

Joe/Nick: Happy Birthday!
The twins groan and Joe said.

Joe: no way girls out of bed, I told you two not to sleep in the same beds last night because it's hard to wake you girls up in the morning
Mads: Joey... go away
Riley: can we sleep in as a request for our birthday *put blanket over them*
Nick: come on girls, don't you want to spend the morning with family today before school
Riley/Mads: booo
Joe: alright, I guess I'm going to have to send all your birthday presents
Riley/Mads: presents!
Joe: I knew that would spark your mood. But first we got to get down to business. Birthday spanking.
Riley/Mads: *groans*
Mads: I hate that tradition can we skipped it this year
Joe: if Kristy and I had to live it through our 12th birthday so do you guys. Be thankful dad isn't around he would have given a much harsher one, but I doubt it because you guys are girls
Riley: what did dad give you?
Joe: 12 licks with the belt, for every trouble I got into the past year
Mads: Kristy?
Joe: light tap from a mini paddle
Mads: I rather take the paddle. I already felt what the belt was like, and trust me it stings like a b- Uh sorry *blush*
Riley: what about you Nick?

Birthday spanking was always a tradition in their small knit town.

Nick: same as Joe. It's really not that bad
Mads: we know the sisters use to give us birthday paddling at our old school. Our principal would call the students in the office for their birthday spanking and it wasn't like those serious swats we would get when we were in trouble more like a playful tap for each year (a/n: so I look this up and this actually use to be a thing in a Texas school before it became banned, not making it)
Joe: well then let's get started before we go downstairs and get presents. Nick you get Riley, and I get Mads
Mads: why does Nick get Mads
Joe: *grabs arm* because this is personal between you and I and you know what I'm talking about young lady
Mads: *blush*

Nick and Joe both sat on the beds and pulls the girls pajamas pants down before putting them over their lap. They started the 12 swats over the girls underpants with their hands first before picking up the paddle after they were done.
Joe: *pats the paddle against her bottom* 12 swats for each year
Mads/Riley: yes sir

Both girls buried their arm, even tho it wasn't a real spanking it still left a mark on both their behinds.

The girls sat up and rubbed their henie and Nick and Joe hugged each of them.

Joe: see that wasn't so bad
Riley: I can still feel the sting
Joe: *roll eyes* time to go open presents
Mads/Riley: yay!
Joe: oh and Madison
Nick: come on Riley
Mads: *still rubbing her bottom and checks her henie* yes Joey...
Joe: I know you felt that a lot more than Riley probably did. But I went a little more than love tap for you, but that was my punishment for the smoking the other day. No more lying and hiding things you understand.
Mads: yes Joey
Joe: come here my brave girl *kiss her forehead* Happy Birthday kiddo
Mads: thank you
Joe: I just want you to live through another year. You know how this family feels about drugs and stuff. I know Sophie already took care of it, but this is my punishment, next time I wont be so easy
Mads: that was easy?
Joe: don't tempt me *light tap her bottom* come on let's go!
Mads: yay!

The two met Nick and Riley half way and they all headed downstairs together to celebrate the twins 12th birthday.

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