Chapter 9: Sophie vs Joe vs Gigi

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I know I said this was going to be about the twins, but I haven't written a chapter with Kristy and Claudia in a while.


Chapter 9:

The family was eating breakfast when Kristy came running in and started eating Joe's.

Joe: uh... you do know you have your own food right
Nick: *sees her take his juice* hey That's mine!
Kristy: Sorry boys, gotta leave quickly before Mona gets here. *to Joe* Your director hates me
Nick: Why did you take her juice too?
Joe: no she just hates her
Nick: Why is she coming over here?
Joe: because she is doing a photoshoot with Gigi and I. "Hanging with the Stars for Forever April"
Kristy: yeah so call me when the Wicked Witch leaves and goes back home *turns around and bumps into Mona* Mona... hi...
Mona: where's the valet *moves away from her*
Kristy: *facepalm*
Mona: *puts her stuff down on the counter* I don't park my own car
Kristy: Miss Klein, I... I know we got off on the wrong foot the other day
Mona: Who are you?
Kristy: I'm Kristy, Joe's little sister, you kicked me off your set last week
Mona: Hmm, then why am I even looking at you?
Kristy: *looks at Nick and Joe confused then back at her* oh cause I live here
Mona: good, then you should know where to park it *hands her key* oh, and while you're at it, you ding my car, I ding your head *tips her*
Kristy: you're really going to trust a 16 year old girl to look after your car
Joe: *takes the keys from her* I'll take that
Kristy: Rats I was this close to running her car into the lake
Mona: Joe, photo shoot. Let's go make some magic
Joe: let's do it *leaves with Mona*
Riley: *come up to Kristy* hey Kristy, while you're at it, clean my room *tips her*
Kristy: *give her glare* I really want to hurt you, back away
Riley: *puts arm up and backs away*
Nick: alright you two settled down and finished eating breakfast

The rest of the family finished up the breakfast while Joe and Mona headed to the backyard to set up.

Gigi had arrived to join the shoot while the workers were setting up in the backyard.

Gigi: so, I was at this organic Tibetan place last night and Fergie sent over a plate of curry lentils, so delish.
Joe: that's so funny, because this morning my sister totally took away my waffle
Gigi: really? Why?
Joe: hmmm, because she wanted to
Gigi: well, I'm an only child, so I don't understand.
Joe: hey I grew up with 3 younger sisters and and I still don't understand them

They both laughed and Mona came up to the camera.

Mona: I love it! My two stars are bonding offscreen. This is the magic that we're going to capture today.

Joe: Just the two of us being ourselves?

Mona: exactly. You know, the fans want to know who the stars really are. These pictures are going to be everywhere. By the time Forever April comes out, America is gonna be so sick of you

Joe: That's a good thing, right?
Mona: yes, you want people to be sick of you, so sick that they can't live without you. Wardrobe!
Sophie: *comes out* Sorry. Just making some last-minute alterations
Mona: uh-huh. Where'd they dig you up from?
Sophie: I'm Sophie, Nick's sister, and Joe's friend. I used to work on clothes so Joe asked me to help out
Mona: great
Sophie: But I didn't pick out Joe's shirt... unless you like it?
Mona: *looks at Joe then back at Sophie* I don't ditch it. You know, you've got some great stuff here, Blondie. Have you ever thought about going into the fashion business? I'm gonna call you blondie
Sophie: I work at a candy store
Mona: well you should really look into it, you got the stuff
Sophie: thanks I'll think about it
Mona: Alright, *points at Gigi, you, make up; *points at Joe* you, walk and talk. I'll see you in five. Very good

When Gigi left, Mona said to Joe.
Mona: so, listen, how are you kissing?
Joe: wow, Mona, I'm flattered, but I don't think that's a good idea.
Mona: no, not me, you dope. Gigi. Look, I'm watching the two of you, and I'm seeing sparks
Joe: I don't know Mona, we dated and it didn't work out and I don't want her to get the wrong idea that we are getting back together
Mona: Don't worry, it's just for the shoot. So here's what I'm thinking, I start shooting, you swoop in, you take her into your arms, and you give her a surprise kiss right on the moosh
Joe: "Moosh" is lips, right?
Mona: *scoff* you broke the code. So, what do you say?
Joe: alright, fine
Mona: great! I see you as Hollywood's next hit couple: Joe and Gigi. Or wait, better yet: "Jigi"
Joe: Mona this is just for the shoot let's not get carried away here

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