Chapter 12: School Days part 2 | {Kristy and Claudia's first day}

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Chapter 12: School Days {Kristy and Claudia's first day}

Kristy and Joe were helping Claudia move into the dorm.

Claudia: thanks for helping me move in guys
Joe: just one question... why did you want us to move you in today!
Claudia: cause, classes doesn't start for me until tomorrow
Kristy: lucky you
Joe: uh... shouldn't you be heading to class right now
Kristy: right... see ya after school Claudia
Joe: no you will be going straight home after school. Nick and I need to speak to you
Kristy: *confuse* together really? Have you made your decision yet
Joe: Kristy...
Kristy: *sighs* I know, I know. No pushing... *leaves*
Joe: well you got everything you need
Claudia: yeah thanks Joe, and I know I've been a hard ass on you through the years. I just want to say thanks for always having my back
Joe: always, you always had Kristy's back. If it wasn't for you we would still be back in Arizona if it wasn't for you giving her that confidence. You really helped make her life better, you helped made our life better and I will always consider you as family
Claudia: *smiles* thanks Joe *hugs him*
Joe: no problem *hugs back* well I should get going. Remember the rules about what your dads' said
Claudia: I know, if I don't do well in school, I get sent back home
Joe: good *leaves*

Claudia smiles and took a look at her room and continued unpacking.

With Kristy:
Kristy was walking to her lockers when she noticed her classmates had decorated her locker and she was the only one who didn't have her's done. She went up to the guy that was standing next to hers and said.

Kristy: excuse me... Do you know where (says teachers name) is...
???: oh I have the same teacher as you, I will help you get there
Kristy: thanks, I'm Kristy btw
???: yeah I know who you're remembered its me Hayden
Kristy: oh my gosh you're the Hayden guy that dm me. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you
Hayden: yeah it's no problem. I didn't know you go to school here
Kristy: first day, I just moved here recently with my older brother, his best friend and my two twin sisters. I'm not a twin, I just have two young twin sisters
Hayden: I know, your Joe Jonas younger sister, have he made his decision yet
Kristy: yup, that would be me and he says he will let me know his decision after school
Hayden: awesome. I'll show you around, welcome to Mystic Academy School of Arts
Kristy: wow, this place is so cool
Hayden: so, what are you trying to come out from this school
Kristy: hmm... I'm debating on dancing/singing or maybe acting. As you can see still lot of questions. I still have to audition tho in person. They only saw my tape I sent in
Hayden: cool, I'm a song writer. I write a lot of songs for other people
Kristy: that's awesome, maybe you can teach me a few things for my audition
Hayden: maybe... *smiles*
Kristy: *smiles back*

A girl noticed what was going on and walked over to them.

Girl: dude, why are you smiling at my boyfriend
Kristy: he was just showing me a-
Girl: get away from him
Hayden: relax *kiss her* I was just showing her around

The teacher came in and, they introduced the newest student Kristy. Then he wrote the lesson on the board that they were learning to do improv "which means the actor must make up their own words and dialogue as they preform the scene".

Hayden's girlfriend was first and she picked her friend, her boyfriend and Kristy. Kristy looked nervous.

Hayden's girlfriend told Kristy to go wait outside the hall. She was confused but did as she was told. Apparently Kristy was playing a dog as Hayden's girlfriend brought her back in.

Kristy: um... yup. I'm the new family dog, woof
Hayden's Girlfriend: (teacher name) would you please tell this amateur that dogs can't talk and that they don't walk on two legs (yells teacher name to get attention)
Teacher: but it's true Miss. Jonas, if you're going to play a dog, be a dog

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