The Princess Pride (Short)

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Last time of Total Drama Action, just when the cast thought they were safe, I swung in to surprise, I mean, antagonize them. The cast was forced to use their creative sides while showing off their backsides as they made superhero costumes out of spandex and some other junk. Of course, they were foiled by the diabolical Pythonicus, the super-evil-alter-ego of the villainous Chef. In a fight against evil, the cast proved they could be heroes, and also, losers. In the end, the most diabolical of them all was Duncan and Courtney, who conspired to have Harold vote off the luscious Leshawna. Will super-Harold recover from betraying his girl? Will Duncan and Courtney ever hook up? Will Corrine ever get over Duncan? Maybe you'll find out right now. Maybe you won't. On another, totally dramatic episode of Total Drama Action!

"Ten more seconds!" Duncan announced as Beth, Harold, Lindsay, and Justin did their best to shove the mash of beans and met into a poorly made tortilla. Corrine and Courtney sat at the table Duncan stood on, looking bored. "Biggest burrito wins!"

He looked down at Courtney, who tapped away at her PDA. "Think I'd make a good reality show host?"

She looked up from the electronic, sending him a disgruntled look. "Excuse me," She snapped. "I'm strategizing."

"She was being a bitch," Corrine confessed. "Sometimes I wish I could just stand up to her and... Ugh!"

The competitors displayed their burritos to judge, and Harold won. Corrine wasn't really paying attention to the competition, content to just sit with her tea and count the patch jobs on the tent. Courtney had pulled a hissy fit when she saw that Corrine got tea without having to sue anyone, so she got it too, never mind the fact that the teen preferred coffee.

"I demand a recount!" Justin exclaimed, in denial about his loss. "I need a neutral second opinion!"

He looked over at Courtney, who scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not going anywhere near you losers," She grumbled. "You're probably contagious."

"Contagious?" Justin freaked, clutching his head in horror. "Is it a rash? I can't afford a rash!"

"You all have reality show-itis," Courtney said, looking up from her PDA. "A disease which causes people to turn everyday tasks into crazy challenges, thus causing you to lose sight of the real competition, which I refuse to do."

"When my good looks went, so did my winning edge," Justin confessed, hunched over. "But Courtney's still managing to kick butt and she's not nearly as good-looking as I am."

Corrine stood up from her table as Justin made his way towards Courtney, sliding up next to Duncan with a sly grin on her face.

"Dare you to eat the Leshawna-shaped burrito," She challenged, gesturing toward the monstrosity that Harold had sculpted. "Do you think he'll cry if you do?"

Duncan wrinkled his nose in a cute way that softened his face. "No way in hell," He said. "He did way too good of a job making that burrito; wouldn't surprise me if he fuc-"

They were interrupted by Chef, dressed in Renaissance attire, blowing on a trumpet. It didn't stop Corinne from letting out a chuckle at his words, making Duncan smile as he watched her.

"Hear ye and rise," Chef said half-heartedly. "For Sir Chris."

"Sir?" Harold asked rhetorically, as Chris rode in, sitting on a donkey. "Someone needs an ego check."

"Ooh!" Beth sighed, pointing at the clear boot he held in his hand. "That's a glass slipper! Which means today's challenge is a fairy tale movie! My favorite!"

"Beth, dude," Chris said sternly, frown marring his botoxed features. "If you ever steal my intro again, I'll have to personally boot you off the show."

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