Natural paint

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I made some paint out of the dirt in front of my house, the yolk of an egg I got from my free-range chickens, and water fresh from the tap. I painted the picture with a stick. You should try it! Depending on where you live, the colors could be different.

Recipe for natural paint:
Gather natural earth pigments (such as dirt, dry clay, dried fruit, dried bugs) and turn it into a fine powder. gather about 4 tsp. of powder, and put in a up or bowl. Taking an egg, carefully break off the shell then carefully take the yolk out and dry it on a paper towel by rolling it. It should be slightly sticky after. Then carefully break the covering of the yolk and pour it with the powder. Add about 2 tsp. of water. Add more if necessary, then paint. It will act somewhat like water color depending on the amount of water you use. Paint will go bad/go dry in a few hours, so get painting!

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