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Please stop swearing. On almost every message, book, comment, or anything else that I see has a swear in it. I hear multiple swears at school, often used to describe my religion/my friends/my teachers/other people. It's not fair to those people, and it's not fair to anyone who has to hear it.

You have the right to say that, but I have the right not not hear it. Find a better way to express yourself besides using immature language. I don't care if you're mad, or having a bad day. You are responsible for your own actions and words. You can always apologize, but you can never take it back. And if you're really sorry, you won't say it again.

I've had enough. I can't stop making people swear at school, but I can avoid it online. For the next few months, I will stop reading books if I find swears in them or other dirty things in them. I don't want to be one of the views for books like those. I'll also un follow anyone who comment a swear on my books, or swears in a message to their followers. You can swear, but I don't want to hear or see it.


You have been warned. I'm not lowering my standards so you can keep a follower. Don't try to convince me swearing and other dirty things are okay.

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