Bye Duke

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I drew this picture on 9 11 last year when I went to take my dog Duke on a walk. We played fetch. He forgot where he was a bunch, but whenever he saw the ball he would remember.

Duke's really old; 14 and a half years. We got him when I was 6 months old. He's very close to death. We're gonna put him down tomorrow. It's so sad to see him right now. You all know how old dogs are; they just go downhill those last few years. Today was kind of his last hurrah. He could barely walk by himself, and when I got home he could barely wag his tail. Even if we did nothing he would die in a few days.

But it's okay. He's lived the best life a dog could live. And when he gets to Heaven he'll be able to run and play like he used to. I'm sad he's gone, but it makes me happy knowing he'll be able to be happy and athletic like he once was.

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