Death and Birth

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On the night of August 26th 2012 a family of four where driving home from visiting relatives from the next town over. They we're the Knight family, John Knight (35) was driving his wife Anna (34) and two daughters Hannah (18) and  Aria (12) when they were run off the road by a blue 1950 Chevy truck and went straight into the water. Mr. Knight suffered minimal injuries while Mrs. Knight suffered a broken arm and a concussion, 18 year old Hannah was brought out of the water unconscious but seemed to have suffered almost no injuries.

Sadly the youngest Knight at only 12 years old died when her seatbelt broke and she was found floating in the water near where the car was found. Forensics say that the young girl hit her head on the windshield after her seatbelt broke and was rendered unconscious causing the girl to drown..

Aria Knights funeral will be held on her birthday, September 8th. May her family be in your prayers at this difficult time.

September 8th 1999

8:25 pm

Forks Washington

In the small rainy town of Forks, Washington police chief Charlie Swan is on scene of a car crash the victim is a pregnant women who is about to go into labor.

"My baby, my baby, you have to get her out please." The young women begs the paramedics as they wheel her into the ambulance.

"Is they're anyone we can call for you Ma'am?" Charlie asks the young soon to be mother. He knew how hard child birth can be on women after all its been 2 years since his own daughters birth.

The woman looked up at the man her bright green eyes glistening in both pain and happiness for her daughter but she knew she wouldn't be there to raise her baby. She had heard the paramedics talking on how the chances of her surviving the birth would be small because of the injuries she sustained from the crash.

"No...there is no one...just me." Her breathing was becoming ragged as she answered the police chiefs question her green eyes losing focus from the pain.

Charlie couldn't leave this women he didn't know why but he knew he needed to be with her during her birth. "Would you like me to come with you while you do this? My wife gave birth just 2 years ago so I know what to expect."

"" The woman gave him a tired smile as they where put into the ambulance and off to the hospital. "What''re name...chief?

"Charlie Swan and you?"

"Ariella Adams."

They stayed silent the rest of the way before they where being rushed to the maternity ward. Charlie stayed with Ariella until he was asked to leave the room as the birth became more difficult with the mother going in and out of consciousness and the baby losing oxygen. Before he left Charlie could hear Ariella call to him.

"Take care of her...please take care...of my little girl." Charlie nodded his head and it was as if he had given her the only true answer she needed because 10 minutes later there was a cry heard.

And then beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Aria Nevaeh Swan was born on September 8th 1999 at 9:53 pm

Ariella Adams died on September 8th 1999 at 9:54 pm

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