Truth and Knowledge

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I had woken up to the book I had been reading on the floor. From what I had read the stories where mostly about how Jacob's tribe are descendants of wolves, more accurate werewolves. The story spoke of how the Quileutens are the protectors of La Push and how they are gifted by their ancestors with the ability to turn into wolves when their tribe is under attack, the only thing that caused this turn was known as the cold ones, modern day vampires.

If the story is true than that would mean that Jake could turn into a giant wolf considering it is in his family blood to be the chief of the tribe, he would be the Alpha of the pack. The book had also said that there was a treaty created between the Quileuten tribe and a coven of vampires who said they didn't kill humans, only animals. I think that would be very admirably for the vampires to do, they would be going against their own genetic makeup just so they don't hurt innocent people, The treaty stated that as long as the coven didn't set foot on Quileuten land and didn't harm a human than the tribe would keep peace and not expose them to the 'pale faces'. When I read this I couldn't help but think of Edward and how he reacted when I invited him to the beach along with the reaction of Jake's friends when Sam had told us that the 'Cullens don't come here' was weird.

The more I thought on it the more I started to think that maybe the Cullen family could have been the vampire coven from Bella's book. Each member has similar physical features even though they are all adopted, even Dr, Cullen and his wife have pale skin and golden eyes, They are all very beautiful and kind of in-humanly perfect, one side of your body is always slightly bigger than the other but the Cullens seem to be just perfectly synchronized. When Edward stopped Tyler's van from running me over I remember seeing him standing next to his siblings across the lot but before the van could hit me he was at my side and literally pushed the van away.

So with just my encounters with Edward I have seen that he fits the bill for vampire. Pale skin, im-morally beautiful, speed, and inhumane strength, all that I need to see is him drinking some poor animal dry and I'll know for sure but than again I could just ask him. The worst thing that could happen is I make a fool out of myself, like Bella did.

Edward pov

Alice had informed me that Aria had read through her sister's book and had come to the same conclusion as she had. I don't plan on making Aria believe that she had gone crazy as I had done with Isabella, even though I would have loved to keep her as naive to the supernatural world as I could, my sister was a different story.

Since the first vision she had of Aria and I together Alice had been annoying me into telling Aria the truth so she could come around our home.I loved my sister, and Alice is my favorite since Rosalie is a bitch most of the time it's hard for the two of us to really get along. Alice on the other hand was different as my ability allowed me to be one of the first to ever truly see what she does, it caused a bond to form.

I wanted my sister happy and as her thoughts have shown she wanted me to be happy too and Aria was the key for both of us. The one thing I hated was the fact that I wouldn't and couldn't live without her, she is my mate and most vampires either kill themselves to be with their deceased mate or went insane from the pain.

One of our rulers lost his mate to a child of the moon and in return he had the whole species hunted down and killed, from what I have heard from Carlisle he has tried to kill himself many time but his brothers refuse to allow it to happen. As I was lost in my head I had not noticed the time until Alice happily skipped into my room with Jasper following close behind.

"Today's the day" she squealed as she pulled Jasper into a dance around my room. "Are you ready?"

"I am unsure on how I should do this" I admitted to the two as I paced my room "Unlike the rest of you my mate isn't dying from a illness or injury, she isn't falling unconscious and waking up as one of us with no way to change back, she is human."

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