Birthday with Romeo and Juliet

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Aria's pov
I met up with Angela and Jessica in my first hour, where the two older girls showered me in happy birthday wishes.

"Our baby is now 16." Jessica gushed as she wiped an imaginary tear from her eye and leaned against the pretty Asian girl seated next to her.

"It feels like yesterday she was taking her first big girl steps." Angela played along as I laughed at the two girls.

Angela had turned 18 in March and had a small cookout. Jess had her own birthday in May. The curly haired brunette had gone to visit family back in Austin, TX and when she returned she had celebrated her birthday with a spa day that she had invited me on along with Angela.
As class continued I got a message on my new phone from Alice.

Meet after class ;)

When my long and torturous math class finally ended the girls and I walked out to see Edward waiting for me.

I smiled at him as he wrapped his strong arm around my waist and walked the three of us down the hall.

"So," Jess started with a bounce in her step "What are you doing for your birthday?" she asked with a grin.

I gave her an apologetic smile "My dad asked for a family dinner with just us for my birthday and then I can do whatever I legally want after to celebrate and I want to go to laser tag."

"Laser tag?" she asked me and I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

Angela seemed to be able to hear it too as she nudged the smaller girl and gave her a pointed look. "It's Ari's birthday so its her choice, Jess."

Jess rolled her eyes but smiled "Fine, but don't expect me to be any good at it."

"You play volleyball." I pointed out to her.

"Volleyball is not the same as Laser tag."

I continued to alk to the two girls before we split up and Edward led me over to his pixie-like sister.

"Do you want to open your present now or later?" Alice asked eagerly as we made our
way to where she was standing.

"Definitely later, Alice." I told her with a blush as I noticed some of the kids in the hallway watching us. "But thank you in advance for the gift." I thanked her "you don't have to make a big deal, it's just another day.

"I disagree" Edward said as his arm fell from my waist to grasp my warm hand in his colder one. "Your birth is a definite day to celebrate."

Alice laughed, and the sound was all silver, a wind chime. "You will enjoy it. Everyone is supposed to be nice to you today and give you your way, Aria. What's the worst that could happen?" she rhetorically asked.

I laughed at her "the day just started Alice, don't jinx me."

She laughed with me "What time will you be at the house?" Alice continued, changing the subject. From her expression, she was up to exactly the kind of thing I'd been hoping to avoid.

"I didn't know I had plans to be there."

"Oh, be fair, Aria!" she complained. "You aren't going to ruin all our fun like that, are you?"

"I thought my birthday was about what I want."

"She has plans with Charlie tonight," Edward told her.

"And I still have to watch Romeo and Juliet for English." I informed her.

Finally, Alice lost the smug smile and glared at me. "This can be easy, or this can be hard, Ari, but one way or the other-"

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