Birthday Paradise

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3rd pov

September 8th, the day is Aria Swan's 16th birthday and a day for many to celebrate the birth of the biracial, green eyed beauty.

None more happy and ecstatic by her birth than the marble skinned, amber eyed, bronze haired vampire that was seated outside her window on the branch of a tree.

A knock is heard on the white painted door and the green eyed girl is awoken by her pitbull, who wasn't as small as she used to be. Ellayla had pounced on her owner and barked at the door as soon as the knock was heard.

A pale skinned, man in his early 40's with dark brown hair and a matching mustache entered the room with two presents wrapped neatly in his arms.

"Happy birthday, babygirl." Charlie grinned at his youngest daughter and placed a kiss on the top of her unruly curls.

"Thank you, daddy." Aria grinned sleepily at her father but she became more awake when she caught sight of the two boxes in his hands. "Oh, presents!" she exclaimed as she smiled wider.

Charlie laughed at his daughter "It's from me and your mother." He smiles as he hands the two boxes to the impatient teenager.

Amber eyes watch in adoration from outside the window as Aria eagerly rips into the smaller pink and purple wrapped gift and pulls out a white square box. She opens the box to pull out a smaller pink box, this continues for two more boxes until she finally pulls out a small black box and opens it to find a pair of vintage, diamond encrusted teardrop, sapphire earrings.

"Oh my God." Aria breathed in astonishment before her wide green eyes snapped up to her fathers face and she hastily put the earrings back in the box and handed them back to her father.

"Daddy, those are way too expensive. I really can't wear those." she argued as Charlie just smiled. "How much did they even cost?"

"Relax, Aria" Charlie gently grabbed her hand and sat the box back in her lap. "They didn't cost me anything, they are a family heirloom that my family passes down to children born in September. If no children are born in that month then they are given to the first born of the family and passed down that way."

Aria looked down at the box in her lap as she bit her lip "But Bella's birthday is the 13th and she's your real daughter."

At that Charlie glared at the younger girl "Aria," Charlie spoke in a stern voice that he rarely used on her and had Aria's head shooting up to see her father's stern face. "has your mother and I ever made you feel like you weren't our real daughter?"

Aria shook her head in denial and quietly whispered "No, Daddy."

"Good, because you are our daughter whether it be by blood or adoption you are still mine just as much as Bella is and I don't ever want you feeling as if I don't love you as much as Bella just because I didn't help create you. I was there the night you were born and I was the second one, after your birth mother to hold you and I knew you were meant to be mine from the moment those green eyes of yours looked at me.' Charlie sat next to his daughter on her bed and pulled her into his arms.

"Bella doesn't wear jewelry, and these have sat in a box collecting dust long enough, you deserve them kiddo."

Aria smiled as she pulled one earring out and put it on followed by the second. "Beautiful." Charlie complimented her and she smiled as she pulled him into a hug.

"Love you." Aria spoke into his chest.

"Love you too, babygirl." Charlie pulled away and brought out the second gift that was wrapped in seafoam green paper and handed to Aria. "This is from your mom and me, but your mom picked it out"

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