How To Save A Life

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3rd pov

Aria climed out of the taxi as it pulls away, leaving her on the curb facing the now deserted building. She grabs her front jacket pocket and releases a breath as she feels her pepper spray and taser.

She takes a breath as she approaches her old dance studio, the happy memories she had spent there dancing flashes threw her mind as she peers in the windows. Not seeing anything as the blinds are drawn, she hears a faint sound from the inside.

“Aria! Bella!” She hears from inside and is shocked to recognize the voice as her own mother.

She rushes to the entrance to find the door unlocked.

She cautiously enters into a grand, empty room with the walls covered in mirrors.

“Bella, are you okay?! Aria where are you!?”

Aria spins around to try and pin point her mothers voice and follows the noise to a closet. She stands in front of the closed door for a moment before she throws it open.

A T.V is placed in the closet with a video playing. 

It shows Bella, age 7 or 8, seated on the ground in a pink tutu. Aria age 4 or 5 enters from the very closet the video is playing in with tears running down her little face.

“Awe, babies, dont you two want to dance?” Renee asked the two little girls, who both shake their heads in disagreement.

“I messed up mommy.” the little Aria cried into her mothers chest.

“It’s your first day, you'll get better babygirl.”

Renee guides her younger daughter next to her eldest as she hands the camera off to someone else. “What about you, Bella?”

Little Bella shakes her head stubbornly. “Everyone makes fun of me.”

“But your a wonderful dancer.”

Little Bella looks at her mother and deadpans “Mom, I suck. Aria’s the good dancer.”

Laughter is heard as Aria quickly spins away from the tv and locates the red eyed James standing by the mirrors. Her eyes are on him for only a moment because whats seated next to him get her full attention.

Gagged and tied to a chair is a terrified Bella. Her chocolate brown waves are a frizzy and a mess and her clothes are rumpled and covered in dirt as if the older teen had been sleeping in the woods.

“That’s my favorite part.” James grin “Your sister was a stubborn child.” he glides a finger down Bella’s cheek.

“Don’t touch her!” Aria yelled out as her face flushes in anger. “Wher’s my mom!?”

James laughs again “Sorry. She’s not here, but you really made it to easy.

Vissible in the mirror he sighs in dissappointment. Then moves to syand infront of Bella with a video camera.

“So to make things more entertaining,” he points the camera now at Aria “I’m going to make a little video of out time together. And…action!”

He moves to stand right infront of Aria now, with the camera right ij her face her green eyes move from James to Bella in a a second she brings out her spray and pepper sprays him in the eyes.

She takes her chance and runs towards Bella and starts to untie her from the chair.

“I’m so sorry, Bella. I’m so sorry.” Aria apologizes but is grabbed from behind as she lets ot a scream.”

“Excellent!” James exclaims as he holds her. “A rescue attempt.” he barries his face in her hair as he breaths in her scent with the camera pointed at them. Bella’s muffled voice is heard as she yells when James puts his hand on Aria’s throat as the camera sits on a stand. 

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