More Questions...And Some From Friends

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Aria's pov

I laid on my bed in a daze as my mind replayed my moment in the woods with Edward. I know i'm young and most likely every teenager thinks this about their first relationship but...I think I'm falling, unconditionally and irrevocably, in love with him and I never felt like this before.

Sure I had crushes, mostly on celebrities that I will most likely never meet in my life. But what I was feeling for Edward was different, when he was with me everything just seemed ten times better and when we where apart it literally hurt my heart and felt like...well it felt like nothing. I felt like nothing mattered and I just hope I never have to deal with being away from him for long periods of time.

I was slightly worried about this as I didn't want to be one of those girls that was soul dependent on their significant other and couldn't function correctly without them. I was a semi-dependent fifteen year old girl and the only people I ever depended on was my family members.

I was distracted from my thoughts by Ellayla licking my face, causing me to laugh. She continued to do this for a few minutes before her cute little head popped up and she started to wiggle her body and bark at my window in excitement. I left my comfy bed and headed towards my window only to smile at what I saw.

Edward, leaning against his car, looking up at me with a small smile as I beamed at the sight of him.

I quickly pulled my hair into a high ponytail, grabbed my jacket off of the back of my closet and slipped on my brown, wedged boots, before running down the stairs and bumping into Bella.

"Oh. sorry Bella." I told my older sister as we ran into one another. She didn't answer me and seemed distracted and in a rush as she ran up the stairs. I shook it off as one of her moments and saw my dad sitting in his chair, watching another sports game.

"Hey, Daddy." I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek that he grunted at and replicated. "I'm gonna be hanging out with my friend for a bit, but I'll be home before eight."

He paused the game and turned to face me and seemed to be studying me. He must not have found what he was looking for as he reached behind him and handed me my taser. "You got your pepper spray with you?"

I smiled and grabbed my taser from his hand "Yup, I always have it."

"Alright, home before eight and I love you."

"Right, home before eight and I love you too" I replied as I headed to the door "Bye Daddy"

"Bye Honey" was the last thing I heard as I sped walked to the silver Volvo and launched myself at the handsome vampire.

Edward caught me with a musical laugh and lifted me off my feet as he seemed to breath me in.

"Warm vanilla with mint, and a hint of white freesia." he breathed.

"Is that what I smell like?" I looked up at him with furrowed brows and a slight smile on my face.

He smiled back, showing his pearly white teeth "It's an amazing scent."

"Better than my sister's?"

He continued to smile and leaned down to the base of my throat, where I felt him press a light kiss that caused my heart to jump start. "Most definitely, but I will answer more questions when we get to our destination."

And within a blink of an eye we are both in his car and I was seatbelted in as he pulled out of my driveway. When I looked out the window I had caught a glimpse of Bella 'running' down the street. "What the hell is she doing?" I mumbled.

"It seems she is chasing the car." Edward replied and I didn't need to look at him to know he was amused by this.

"You knew she was coming." I accused him.

Aria's TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now