Meeting Edward

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As Aria walked into the classroom she removed her jacket that was dripping from the rain. She was slightly disappointed because the rain had started to melt the snow. As Mike showed her where to hang her jacket, Eric was seen asking Bella about her music choices for the prom.

As Eric was about to ask Bella another question Mike pushed in between the two "Enjoying the rain Arizona?" he starts to shake his wet baseball cap over the girls head. As Bella is about to respond she stops as she sees Edward now sitting at their shared table.

Aria is introducing herself to the teacher Mr. Molina who seems shocked to see her after reading her name. He quickly gets over his shock before welcoming her into his class. "Miss Swan it is a pleasure to have you in my class I've heard you skipped a few years of schooling."

Aria blushed and didn't notice that she was being watched by a golden eyed boy but her older sister did. "Um...yes I'm fifteen, I skipped two years but that doesn't mean I'm super smart or anything, math has always been slightly more difficult for me so science is like math's cousin so I might not be the best."

A soft unheard chuckle left the boys mouth as he heard the younger girls response before he stood to the shock of Bella and grabbed another chair from the back of the class and placing it in-between his own seat and Bella's.

Mr. Molina smiled as he listened to the girl "It's alright and since your in this class and we are now an odd number again Ill have you join your sister and Mr. Cullen who seems to have known and has already gotten you a seat." Aria turned her head to see that the teacher was right and three chairs now sat at the table.

Aria looked toward Edward before giving him a smile as she made her way down the isle. Before she could sit and to the slight annoyance of Edward Bella had moved to the middle seat now closer to Edward. Aria looked to her sister in confusion before sitting in the chair close to the isle as Edward moved his chair away from Bella and to the edge of the table.

Aria grabbed her science notebook along with a red, yellow, and green glitter pen.

"Alright class today we are using Onion root cells and will be separating and labeling them to the phases of Mitosis. The first group to get it right wins...The Golden Onion!"

Aria quickly looked at her older sister in happiness. "Yes! We are so gonna win this!" Aria told her two seat mates. "Bella was in the advanced placement class in Phoenix and you seem like a pretty smart guy." as she said this Bella blushed and Edward seemed to stiffen before pushing the microscope towards the two girls.

Making sure he had control he finally spoke. "Ladies first."

Bella now snapped out of her daze quickly grabbed the microscope before looking into it at the slide. As she started to adjust the lens she decided to try and start a conversation. "You've been gone." and as soon as she said it she wanted to take it back. " of course he's been gone he knows he's been gone" and she thought this Aria started to tell her just that and than some

"Of course he's been gone Bella, He knows he's been gone, he's the one that left, besides its none of our business where he went." Edward smiled toward the youngest Swan before answering Bella anyway.

"It was personal reasons so you are right Aria I won't be telling you exactly what happened. " Bella looks back in the lens now embarrassed by her sister decides to work on the lab and maybe impress Edward with getting the correct answer.

"Prophase." as she begins to remove the sled Edward than asks if he can check it. Bella pushes the microscope towards him as he quickly glances into it.


"Like I said"

Aria huffs at her sister and mumbles to her not to be rude when he's done nothing wrong. Edward removes and slide and switches it out before looking towards Aria. "Would you like to look Aria?"

Aria looks startled and her green eyes widen in surprise to be called on. She looks over her sister to that pale beautiful boy before quickly shaking her head, soft curls bouncing around her face. "Um... no that's ok I'm not really good and wouldn't know what to look for."

To both girls surprise Edward had left his seat and grabbed the microscope before moving next to Aria and placing the microscope in front of her. He bent towards her and started to whisper instructions into her ear.

The biracial girl stiffened and her cheeks flushed red as it felt like Edward got closer to her. She could feel his cold breath against her skin and at some point she was pretty sure she felt his lips brush over her skin. She got over the shock and started to converse with him as he helped her with the cell.

Bella sat in her seat angered and upset that Edward was paying more attention to her younger sister than her self, without her knowledge her pretty face twisted into a glare aimed at her two seat mates. What seemed like forever to Bella but was only two minutes Aria looked up from the lens.

Arai bit her lip causing Edward's eyes to zero in one the action before telling the two older students her answer, "I think its Anaphase." Edward smiled at the younger girl telling her she was correct causing a beaming smiled to spread on the girls face only to disappear because of her sister.

"I'm gonna make sure just in case since I know your not good at science." she pulls the microscope away from her sister and looks as quickly as she can only to be disappointed to see that Aria had been right. "It's Anaphase."

"Exactly as she said, you should have more faith in your sister Isabella." Bella flinched at the cold tone in Edwards voice along with him saying her full name. " So Aria how are you enjoying Forks so far?"

Aria looked from her red faced sister to the golden eyed boy before smiling up at him. "Well I come here every summer and most school breaks except for winter anyway to stay with our father. But to tell you the truth I don't really like the rain in the winter I much prefer the snow."

"And why is that?"

"Well it's really pretty and fun to play in."

"So is that why you moved... for the snow?" Aria looked confused at him so he tried to reassure her, "Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable you're just...hard for me to read."

"Are you good at reading people?"

"Usually yes but your a little harder than most."

Aria continued to watch him but she didn't feel like he was a bad person plus it was just a question and not really that personal. "Not really. I mean sure it doesn't snow in Phoenix but our mom got remarried to this great guy named Phil. See Phil's a baseball player so he traveled a lot and momma stayed home with Bella and me but she missed him so Bella decided we would move here to live with daddy."

Edward felt a small thrill run threw him as he heard her say "daddy" and felt disgusted with his self for it. "So you didn't have a choice, she decided for you."

"No I did have a choice momma constantly asked me if I wanted to stay but we lived with her for so long that daddy deserves time with us to and not just two or four months of the year."

As Edward is about to comment again he is stopped by Bella asking him her own question. While her sister and Edward had been talking Bella had been in a trance just starring at the boy and analyzing him. "Did you get contacts, it's just that the last time I saw you your eyes where black now they're golden brown?" and just like that he shut himself off again.

He stiffly looked at her before walking toward his desk and packing away his books. "It's just the fluorescents." His hands now balled into tight fists he walks out the door just as the bell rang as the two girls start to leave the room they are stopped by the teacher as Bella continues out the class Aria stays and is given the golden onion that she happily accepts before making her way to the icy parking lot.

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