Nightmares and Interigations

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Aria's pov

The day after the attack was a little daunting considering it constantly felt like I was being watched. I had explained to Angela about what had happened and what had almost happened that night. She was shocked and continuously apologized to me for not tagging along and keeping me safe. I was touched that she cared so much but I wouldn't have wanted her put in the same situation as Bella and I. Afterwards she had tried to talk me into telling my father but I didn't want to tell him. It was a horrific experience and I know that those men deserve to be in jail for what they tried to do but I also wanted to try and forget it ever happened. It was times like this when I wish i could repress unwanted memories like Bella could. She acted as if nothing happened and actually seemed happy the next morning when she was shoving me into the school.

Than again by the time class started and she finally arrived, twenty minutes late, she looked really embarrassed. In Biology class instead of trying to claim the seat next to Edward as she usually did she took the seat farthest away and even moved her seat to the very edge of the table, she refused to even glance Edwards way.

I was curious to know what had happened between the two but also knew it was none of my business. Jessica didn't have the same courtesy and as soon as Bella and I sat at the lunch table she started interrogating Bella.

"So...what's up with you and Edward?" are the first words that left her mouth "I mean after last night I thought that maybe something happened but when you got to school it was like you never even met."

Bella's face flushed a dark red as most of the tables attention was on her. "We had a small argument earlier..." she looked down at the table "it's fine."

"You don't look fine, Bells." I whispered to her causing her brown eyes to briefly meet my green as she lightly huffed out a breath.

'Oh my god, Edward Cullen is staring over here." Jessica squealed.

Instead of turning her head to look, as she normally would have Bella stiffened in her seat "Does he look angry?"

Jessica looked past our shoulders and towards the Cullens table "No, maybe he feels bad about your argument." she showed a brief smile and it was at times like this that I realized that she can be a really good friend.

"Actually, it looks like he's staring at Aria." Angela spoke up and my sister and I both turned in our chairs to see that Edward was in fact looking at me.

As he now had my attention he motioned for me to come over to his table. My eyes widened and I quickly shook my head "no". The three older girls attention turned to me as Jessica and Angela looked confused and stunned while Bella's expression was a mixture of feelings that I couldn't pinpoint out.

"What do you mean no, get over there." Jessica practically ordered me.

"No way am I going over there alone." I argued back.

"Why the hell not?" All our eyes widened when it was Angela that had cussed. I know hell isn't really a curse word but she's a preachers daughter.

"First of all, language Angela." I teased her making us all lightly laugh "Second of all, I don't want to go over to the Cullens table, I'm fine with just Edward and maybe even Alice but with all of them, no way. I am fine here, fine and comfortable over here" I pointed towards the Cullen table "Over there is where it will get uncomfortable, embarrassing, and all around weird, so I will stay here."

It would be a train wreck, I hated being put on the spot unless it was dance, but all the Cullens are gorgeous and i really don't want to put my foot in my mouth and embarrass myself. I'm not good with new people I'm actually proud that I am able to talk so comfortable with the people at this table but that's manly because Bella knew them first.

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