Lunch date

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Aria's pov

After Bella had driven us home it wasn't hard to tell that she was upset, what about? I have no idea considering all she did was glare at me whenever I asked. I think it may have been the fact that on the way to the truck we had been stopped by Eric and Tyler so they could both try and ask me to the dance. I was flattered but this was a girls choice dance and neither of those guys are my choice. Eric would be better off with Angela and Tyler almost made me roadkill so he's a definite "no".

As I took Ellayla out to do her business daddy had called me into the kitchen. "Hey princess, how's your head?"

"Its fine daddy, but I had a nightmare last night so I'm a little tired." the dream from the other night had stopped me from falling into a deep sleep but with Edward appearing to save me I felt kind of embarrassed.

"Alright than you can head up to your room and sleep for a little bit." I nodded my head in agreement as I stifled a yawn and kissed my father on the cheek before scooping Ellayla up into my arms. As I headed to my room my father called to me again "And your mother called again!" oh great.

"That's your fault for telling her about the accident and I'll call her after dinner!" I yelled back to him as I finally made it to my bed and passed out.

I awoke again from the same dream of me drowning this time it was only half an hour before my alarm went off. I jumped in the shower, sighing as the hot water cascaded down my body. After taking a longer shower than usual I wrapped my hair in a towel, rubbed my vanilla-almond lotion into my skin before grabbing a pre-put-together outfit from my closet.

Ellayla jumped onto my legs as she barked in what I can only believe to be happiness as I started on our breakfast.

"Hey Ellayla are you hungry baby?" I grabbed her food and water bowl, filling each up before sitting it by the kitchen doorway.

"Good morning princess." I jumped when I heard my dad's voice before he pressed a kiss to my forehead and went towards the coffee pot. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good morning daddy and fine, I slept fine." It wasn't a lie exactly and it looked like he didn't believe me but didn't want to question me. The difference between him and my mom was the fact that if it was her she would have forced the answer but my dads different.

It's not that he cares less its just that he knows if there is something really wrong I would tell him or he'd than force it out of me.

While I ate my waffles Bella walked down the stairs dressed in her normal clothes and headed straight for the door, grabbing her truck keys on the way before dad called out to her.

"Bella, where are you going without your sister?"

"I thought she was already in the truck." she meekly replied as she toyed with the keys in her hand, eyes locked onto her feet.

"Well now that she's finished eating you can take her to school and be sure to bring her home with you." He grabbed my coat from the rack and handed it to me as we all headed for the door.

The ride to school was very uncomfortable as Bella again refused to talk to me. As soon as she parked the truck she practically ran away, which was kind of funny since she kept tripping over her feet.

It was now lunch as I walked through the doors along side Bella, Mike, and Jessica.

"La Push, baby." I could hear Eric say from the lunch table where he sat next to Angela. "La Push, baby. You in?" he asked both Bella and I once he saw us, getting a "Yes" from me and a confused look from Bella.

"Should I know what that means?" Bella asked as it turns out she obviously doesn't remember our time here when she was younger.

"It's a beach, Bella." I informed her as she continued to look at me. "It's the beach on the reservation that Daddy would take us to go fishing along with Billy and Jacob." I continued to elaborate for her "For gods sake Bella, Jake and Billy live there," I had never been so disappointed in my sister than I was during this conversation.

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