Dinner and Interrogations

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Bella's pov

I couldn't believe that I was about to have dinner with Edward Cullen, of course my little sister was here but that wasn't gonna dampen my mood. This was going to likely be my only chance even close to alone with him and I have so many questions that need answers.

I followed behind Aria as Edward lead her towards the restaurant, he held the door open for the both of us with an obstinate expression. The restaurant wasn't crowded as it was the off season and most tourists visited in the summer. The hostess was a tall bleach blonde who seemed to be college-age. The look in her eyes was predatorial as they raked over Edwards body and I felt a surge of jealousy and hate run threw my body as she welcomed him more warmly than she should have.

"A table for three?" His voice was alluring, whether on purpose or not it sure as hell got her attention. Her eyes flickered to Aria first as Edward still had a hold of her shacking arm, she swept her gaze over my sister's face but must have at least noticed how young she was as she seemed satisfied before flickering her eyes over and assessing me and then looking away, satisfied by how average I looked and the no-contact space that Edward made sure to give the two of us.

She proceeded to show us to a table in the middle of the crowded dinning room. As Aria and I where about to sit Edward shook his head at the two of us.

"Perhaps something more private?" he quietly spoke to the host and looked like he smoothly handed her a tip. I had never seen anyone give a tip accept for in movies.

"Definitely." She sounded just as surprised as I was as she turned around and led us to a small ring of booths that was completely empty. "What about this?"

"Perfect." He flashed her a blinding smile.

"Um-"she shook her head blinking out of her daze "-Your server will be right out." She walked away on unsteady feet.

"You shouldn't do that." Aria's quiet voice spoke up as she tilted her head back to meet Edwards eyes.

"Do what?" he seemed honestly confused at what she was talking about.

"Oh come on," I said dubiously "You have to know the effect you have on people, you dazzle them."

"I dazzle people?" he tilted his head to the left.

"You haven't noticed but you get your way really easily." Aria added on, siding with me.

His head turned and was focused on the girl seated to the left of him as I sat on his right "Do I dazzle you Aria?" his lips quirked into a sexy smirk and I felt jealous that it was directed towards my baby sister.

"Sometimes, it just depends."

"You dazzle me frequently." I added in trying to get his attention back on me.

And then our server arrived, her face expectant. The hostess had definitely gossiped behind the scenes, and this new girl didn't look disappointed. She flipped a strand of short black hair behind one ear and smiled with unnecessary warmth.

"Hello. My name is Amber, and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get you to drink?" I didn't miss that she was speaking only to him and ignoring my sister and I.

He didn't offer her a glance as his attention was again on Aria, not even facing myself or Amber and to be honest it was starting to piss me off.

"I'd like a lemonade, please." Aria asked as she turned to face me.

"I'll have a coke." it came out more as a question than my order.

"Make that two lemonades." he said.

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