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Aria's pov

I heard an irritating beeping noise as my head was pounding, my throat was dry, and my leg hurt more than anything. I slowly opened my eyes to a white room, with a bright light that caused me to squint..

Something was attached to my nose and I weakly lifted my right hand ti see an IV injected into it and felt my face to touch oxygen tubes resting under my nose. I try to pull it off confused as to why I had it on and why almost everything hurt. A lightly tanned hand came into my view and softly moved my hand away as the rest of my surroundings came into focus.

"You're awake, babygirl! You're okay!" my mother, with her shoulder length straight light brown hair and teary doe brown eyes hovered over my body. I looked down to see my leg elevated and in a cast from over my knee to my foot. On the dresser there was a lot of 'Get Well Soon' card along with stuffed animals.

"Mommy?" my voice was scratchy and came out in a whisper before my mother handed me a cup of water and I downed it like I had been walking in the desert for days.

"Slow down, baby." my mom told me in a soft voice as she slowly took the cup from my shaky hands. "For a girl who hates the taste of water you sure inhaled it ."


"You and Bella had tried to visit one of your old dancing friends when Bella tripped and ended up pushing the two of you down two flight of stairs and you fell through a window."

It sounded believable but it didn't seem right. I was drawing a blank as my mom tried to jog my memory. "What about Bella?" I asked instead.

"She's fine with a couple bruises and a concussion along with some cuts from the glass." she started to play with my hair like she does when I'm sick "Edward came with you along with his father" she continued " They where both there when your accident occurred." and that's when I realized it was a cover story and flashes of blood, mirrors, James and fire came to my mind.

"Where is he?" I asked her about Edward.

She smiled and pointed to the other side of the room where I now took notice of Edward's 'sleeping' form.

"He never leaves." she whispered to me with a smile. "I'm so happy you and your sister opened your eyes." she gushed as her eyes filled with tears again.

"Everything's okay." I assured her when I suddenly realized that I had no idea when it was. "How long have we been out?"

"Bella woke up after two days but..." she paused for a second as she gently cradled my hand in her own. "Baby, you've been out for six days."

My eyes widened and my mouth parted in shock. SIX DAYS! I was unconscious for Six days.

"They had to keep you sedated for all your injuries. And we're so lucky for Dr. Cullen. He's such a nice man and an amazing doctor." she gushed.

"You met Carlisle?" I asked her.

"Along with Alice. I am so happy you've made such great friends in Forks." I moved to try and sit up more but ended up cringing and lightly crying out in pain. I could see Edward's eyes shoot open and look anxiously at me as my mom left her seat and leaned over my body more. 'What's wrong? What hurts?" she demanded as she fretted over me.

"I'm fine, I just have to remember not to move too much or too fast." I assured the both of them as Edward slowly went back to his fake sleeping position and my mom's phone pinged as she took it out of her pocket to read a text and quickly typed back a reply.

I raised a brow at my mom with a teasing smile "I thought it would have ran away by now." I teased her as she laughed.. "It's Phil," she told me and I smiled at the thought of my step-father. "he was worried about you and Bella, but I told him to stay in Florida since The Suns signed him!" she exclaimed with a bright smile.

Aria's TwilightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora