S- Beach Vacation

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This is another idea from my hlvrai book just with the cannon half life characters.


Gordon's finds sea life interesting and might try to go snorkeling if scuba diving isn't an option in the area. He spends almost all his time in the ocean and tends to drift far from shore. You need to keep an eye on this man and make sure he doesn't go to far. Gordon tends to lack spatial awareness at times and won't realize how far he is until you mention it. Once you point it out he immediately returns and makes a mental note to only swim around you. If you're hanging out on shore he'll join you, taking out his phone to play some music.

Gordon doesn't wear a shirt to the beach but sports bright orange trunks with a black strip pattern. He also wears a beaded necklace and only takes his glasses off when he goes in the water, not wanting to lose them. He uses sunscreen if you bring any but always forgets it himself. Either way it's hard for him to get sunburnt. He usually just gets a good tan.


Adrian isn't to keen on the ocean or sand but enjoys the view. He's the type of boyfriend/husband to take picture of you, the two of you together, or just the landscapes while on vacation. Honestly he does this so much that either your or his phone's photo gallery will be filled with memories from the trip. Adrian would probably rent two bikes and you both would ride down the sidewalks near or through the beach. If you do insist on actually going to the beach then he spends most of his time in the water. He doesn't go deep and tends to stare off into the distance.

His clothes aren't necessarily beach attire so he just rolls up his pants and takes off his shoes and socks. Doesn't mind his clothes getting soaked as long as you guys head straight to the hotel room afterwards. May use sunscreen if it's available.


Alyx is really excited to go to the beach since she never got to go often as a kid. Isn't the best swimmer but is willing to learn and improve. Because of this she spends most of her time on land and makes sure to bring along other things to do outside of swimming. She brings along a net and a few badminton rackets and challenges you to a match. You both end up playing badminton for most of the day until the sun starts to set, allowing a few bystanders to join in if they so please.

Alyx sports a one piece, purple swim suit and sunglasses. She also wears her usual bandana. For sure wears sunscreen.


Barney is shockingly more of a land person. He prefers to just relax on a towel and cuddle up to you while listening to the calming sounds of the waves. This doesn't mean he won't swim for a little while, but except him to stay on land for the most part. May fall asleep on his beach towel if given the chance. Asks if you two can leave early so you can both take a drive around. Likes to drive with his windows down, as fast as the speed limit will allow him, just close enough to the beach to take in the view and the ocean air. You two usually hit up a restaurant, not to fancy but not fast food, on the way back to your hotel.

Barney beach attire consists of dark blue swimming trunks, sunglasses, and a random baseball cap he found in his closet before the trip. He probably won't use sunscreen unless you plan on staying for a long time.


Kleiner, similar to Gordon, is also quite fond of sea life. He's not much of a swimmer but will sit right where the water meets the sand with a content expression. If you choose to sit with him he'll most likely start spitting out random fun facts he knows about the ocean and it's lifeforms. Refuses to go to far into the water and stays in the shallow parts. On your way out, Kleiner may try to convince you to visit the nearby aquarium before heading back to the hotel. If you say yes, he'll be ecstatic and offers to pay for the trip. Will try to get you cute merchandise from the gift shop.

Kleiner's outfit is a light blue, short sleeved button up shirt and kaki shorts with sandals. He always makes sure to pack sunscreen and will try to get you to use it for your own good, unless there's a medical reason preventing you from using sunscreen. If so he won't even bring it up but will bring an umbrella for shade if needed.


Gman chooses to visit the beach at nice. He always picks nights with clear skies so the two of you can stargaze. The beach you go to is always vacant, mostly because Gman doesn't want to be bothered or even seen by others. He refuses to step foot in the water but will gladly watch you swim around. He honestly just sits around and takes in the environment as you do whatever you want. If you choose to join him, he'll hold you hand and let you lean on his shoulder. While stargazing, he might start a conversation about the solar system and universe as a whole, giving you a few minor facts here and there.

He wears his usual suit and somehow never gets sand on it. Never uses sunscreen, mostly cause it's night but even if it wasn't he probably still wouldn't.

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