S- Being Drunk

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(I'm going to be real, I don't necessarily drink so most of this is based on my little knowledge of alcohol and a bit of research. Feel free to correct anything or point out where you might have changed something.)
It doesn't take much for Gordon to get drunk. Due to his friendship with Barney, he use to going out for drinks and usually ends up paying. Not to mention Barney still owes him a beer. Gordon gets really clingy when drunk. He likes to hang around you and pouts when you leave, even for a second. He tends to just follow you like a lost puppy and tends to get jealous easier.
He doesn't necessarily have a favorite drink, but he does order Pabst Blue Ribbon (beer) the most.
Gordon isn't good at handling hangovers. He'll find any excuse to stay in bed and just sleep through the pain. Very stubborn and childish during a hangover. If he needs to be somewhere, you'll have to drag him out of the house.

Adrien can handle his alcohol well. It takes a lot for this man to get drunk. He's not the biggest fan of drinking, but won't turn down a beer or two if offered. If he does end up drunk, then there's no need to worry. He's still pretty responsible and cooperative when wasted. The biggest change would have to be that he may get emotional. He opens up more and will freely express how he's feeling when under the influence.
Adrien prefers White Russians over most drinks, but doesn't mind other drinks.
He's pretty good at dealing with a hangover. He might ask you to make breakfast and, depending on how he feels, might get up to help. He will consistently apologize for his behavior and promises he'll make it up to you when he's feeling better.

Alyx doesn't drink to often, but she's no stranger to alcohol. She enjoys a few shots every now and again, but never tries to get wasted, she has responsibilities after all. But if she does get drunk, she becomes more of a party animal. Alyx would be the one to dance horribly to any song put on until she drops. She's also more prone to stupid decisions, mainly due to her age, so keep an eye on her. Alyx isn't the type to drink till she blacks out, but it has happened once before.
Alyx's favorite drink is a Mango Coconut daiquiri. She doesn't drink them often since there saved for special occasions.
She complains about her hangovers and they serve as reminders for why she hates getting wasted. Despite her complaints, she knows this is all on her and she just has to deal with it. Will gladly accept help if offered.

Barney probably drinks the most out of everyone. Don't want to call him a full on alcoholic, but he has had issues in the past. Luckily he's made efforts to become better and doesn't rely on drinking. He still has the occasional beer when he can though. Barney gets really competitive when drunk. His teasing can become a bit harsh, but he can still pick up when he's gone to far. Barney has no shame in apologizing when he knows he's in the wrong.
Favorite drink is debatably Budweiser (beer). It's his go to when he wants something alcoholic.
Barney's got used to hangovers and knows how to deal with them. He doesn't openly ask for help but will be more then happy if you decide to assist him anyway. He's glad you can put up with him and remembers everything from the night before. He might apologize if the night got to hectic.

Kleiner rarely drinks, but when he does, it isn't long until he's full on drunk. He's not good at handling his alcohol and is quick to become tipsy. Kleiner gains confidence when he's drunk and is more open to people. He also tends to be flirtatious in this state. He loves to express his love and shows little to no embarrassment about pda, unlike his sober self. As long as you're around, he's happy.
Kleiner doesn't like to pick favorites though it is clear he prefers wine over anything else. If he had to choose, he might say Pinot Gris (wine) is his favorite.
Kleiner has a horrible time dealing with hangovers. He gets really sluggish and tired but will still push himself to work. You have to take care of him, but he is open to giving advise if needed and is grateful for everything you do for him. He'll make sure to pay you back somehow. He tends to not remember things that happen when he's drunk. Kleiner will shrink into an embarrassed mess if anyone tells him about his behavior when drunk.

Gman can't get drunk. You've invited him to drink with you before, but the alcohol has practically no effect on him. He doesn't enjoy the consumption of alcohol and finds it pointless, but he may share a shot with you if you ask him too.
If he was forced to choose a favorite alcoholic beverage, he would probably go with The Kraken (rum). But as said before, he isn't a fan of alcohol in general.
Since he can't get drunk, he can't get a hangover. Though he is good at handling others during a hangover and tends to be very helpful.

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