24. Fred and George

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{ Welcome back to a new chapter babes! I know I'm like two months late but these pranksters deserve a birthday chapter that will focus mostly on them! Now for some announcements (no I'm not going on another break; it was actually really boring): I still don't know what to call the contest-thing, but for now let's stick with contest. I have decided that for whoever sends in things that I mentioned previously (art, scenes, & songs), they will get to ask me five questions that I have to answer with honesty! They can be about me (not very personal things), about future chapters I have planned, etc. If I find any question to be unanswerable I will tell you so that another can be asked instead!

Moving on: Enjoy the chapter! Remember to leave your thoughts and questions in the comments and I will answer! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you! Just send me a message either on here or instagram! - Sloan Belle }

April 1st. Many people know it as April Fools Day, sometimes as easter, but there's a more important title for today. Fred and George Weasley's birthday! In 1978, the two biggest pranksters were born to Molly and Arthur Weasley. They wreaked havoc and continue to do so (just in a worse manner now). 

A tradition that the Weasley twins created back in their childhood was still in full effect to this day...they would declare a prank war for their birthday.

Days before their birthday they would get their pranks planned out, then the day before their birthday, they would sleep through daylight hours. Only to wake up in the night. Last years winner, would wake up half an hour earlier than the other to set up their pranks in the "best" places, then the loser of last year would put them in the "bad" places. Soon after the first pranks were set up, their prank war began. 

Usually, Fallon and the others would get caught in the middle, but they weren't going to be at Dragonwyck. They had decided to help Molly with their birthday party that occurred after a winner was crowned from the prank war. The whole house was for Fred, George, their pranks, and Scylla, who is banned from the Burrow since she ate one or three of the chickens. 

Larissa and Adelia would visit the following week, and she had said something about a surprise for the birthday boys. Maybe it was the illegal Romanian fireworks that Charlie didn't want to get for them, but of course, Larissa would since the same rules didn't apply to her after she abandoned doing magic. 

Charlie was also coming! He usually avoided the twins birthday because of the pranks, but he was convinced by Fallon to come.

Last year's prank war ended up with Fred winning, but only because George's own pranks backfired on him. Literally on him. It was also the day they faced another near death at the hands of their mother, Molly. 

This year, Fred gets to have an advantage against George...

It was a cloudy night. The clouds covered the moon, casting a dark theme upon Dragonwyck. It would be the perfect serene night to sleep, but not for Fred. Today it was his turn to wake up at 11 pm, and steal the best spots for their first wave of the pranks. 

Scylla had been staying in his room for the night, since she couldn't be trusted alone after a small accident with Fallon's window. Fred walked over to where Scylla laid, watching him. He kneeled down to face her, "We both know you don't like me and I don't like you, but we can help each other. Can I turn you into a normal sized dragon as my finishing prank against George, Scylla? You get to be a giant dragon for a while and I get to win!"

Scylla tilted her head to the right as if she was debating whether to help her mother's boyfriend or not. After a few minutes of debating, she nodded her head in agreement. "Just don't burn down our home or the Burrow, and know that mum's still mad about the chickens." Fred warned Scylla. If something were to happen to any other chickens or the Burrow, Molly would have skinned Scylla alive. While if something were to happen to Dragonwyck, then Fallon would have to pay the insurance company for what her arsonist dragon had done.

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