Chapter 7 - The Adventure Truly Begins

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On the Emerald Plains, Locke is making his way back to the town of Bloodberry

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On the Emerald Plains, Locke is making his way back to the town of Bloodberry. So far, he has not run into any trouble on the road back. He remembers what Isabella said about the town of Tenzen on Tenzen Island. If he wants an easier time getting there, he will have to get back to Bloodberry and board one of the ships heading to Tenzen.

Meanwhile in the west of the plains, there is a short-haired blond woman with dark skin and aqua green eyes with lipstick riding on a pink scooter with a side car attached in the right. She appears to be in her early twenties. The woman wears a pink dress with golden decorative armored parts on the shoulder and breast areas, a purple band around her waist, aqua green-colored beads on her thighs attached to the skirt, a long light pink cloth coming down from the purple band with symbols displayed on it, golden arm bands, white rosary earrings, boots, and a cape to complete the attire. The woman looks very beautiful indeed, but she is not riding the bike alone. She has an adorable blue ball seal that has a zigzag tail with a blue round tip in the side car of her bike. It looks like they are also heading to Bloodberry.

"Hopefully, we will reach the town soon," said the woman.

"Muu! Muu!" the ball seal said to her, sounding almost like a cat meowing.

"I know, Spheel," the woman said, smiling. "Once we enter Bloodberry, I will treat you to something yummy!"

"Muuu!" Spheel said, understanding perfectly.

"Hehehe! All right, here we go!" she said.

Just as she steps on the pedal to go fast, the engine of the scooter short circuit as smoke rises from the busted engine. "Great! Just our luck!" The blond dark-skinned woman stops the scooter in the middle of the plains.

"Muu... Muu..." Spheel murmurs.

"Don't worry, Spheel," said the woman, getting off the scooter bike. She takes a look at the engine. It does not take a genius to know that the engine needs to be fixed badly. "Mommy will think of something."

She notices someone is running towards their position. That someone is Locke. He so happens to see the smoke rising from her bike. 'So, this young fella spotted us, eh?' the woman thought. 'I have to admit. He does look kinda cute. Let's just see if he can fix our engine trouble."

Locke runs towards the woman and her bike. He asks if everything is okay. The woman replies about her engine short-circuiting as she and her pet, Spheel were heading to Bloodberry.

"Ah, I see," said Locke, getting the grasp of the situation. "Lucky for you, I have tools that can fix anything, even a motorbike!"

"Awesome!" the lady rejoiced.

Locke goes into his satchels and gets out his tools. He then use the tools to fix the woman's bike. Fixing the engine is not complicated for him. After a couple of minutes, he completed the task of fixing the scooter bike. "There, all done!" said Locke, dusting off his hands. "Your bike is now fixed!" Little does Locke know, he just gotten hoodwinked as he feels a steel pressure press against his back.

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