Chapter 5 - Battle With Reiza

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Locke and Isabella has been travelling northwest through the vast Emerald Fields for about an hour. Locke takes out his map to look at it, but Isabella tells that there is no need to check the map as she knows that they are close.

The both of them arrive at the entrance of Emerald Cave. The entrance into the cave itself looks like any other, at least in Locke's view.

"It may looks like any other normal cave," Isabella explains. "Once you gone inside, you be surprised!"

"Sound like I'm going to be in for a treat," Locke said, eager to explore the cave.

"Don't get too distracted, Locke," Isabella warns. "The Lamia lurks inside even as we speak. So, don't get careless."

"Gotcha!" he nods. Both Locke and Isabella enter Emerald Cave.

Inside the cave, there are crystalline rocks throughout the interior that glow in an emerald color, therefore giving the cave its name. It is also easier to see their surroundings, thanks to the glowing crystals.

"No wonder people call this 'Emerald Cave', said Locke, looking around. "It is so green!"

"Try not to get distracted," Isabella tells him again. "We are in the lair of the Lamia. We must be careful as she might have set traps for those who dare to wander in here."

"Right!" said Locke.

Locke and Isabella continue to press on deep into the cave. The more they proceed into the cave, the dimmer it became. Isabella warns Locke to stay close to her. Suddenly, they both felt a tremor.

"Woah!" Locke yelled as he almost fall on the ground.

"Be careful!" Isabella said to him. "I don't want to lose you to the tremors before we can fight the Lamia."

"I should use the light from my orb," Locke said, feeling rather silly. He activates the orb from his necklace to light the way.

The two of them make their way through many narrow pathways in the cave which leads to an open area. Locke uses his necklace to light the way, but then he and Isabella felt another tremor. This time, it is much stronger than the last one. The impact of the tremor has made Locke fall on the ground.

"Ouch!" he cried. "Damn, that hurts!" Then, the ground begins to break apart as Locke and Isabella begin to fall into the depths, screaming.

After falling into the depths of the cave, Locke finds himself in pitch black darkness. He calls out to Isabella to see if she is all right. There is no response. He flashes his orb to illuminate his surroundings. Though he can see, Locke cannot see Isabella anywhere within view.

"What happened to Isabella?" said Locke, searching around for her. "Isabella? Isabella!" Still, no response. "Well, constantly shouting her name won't get me anywhere. I will have to find her."

Locke navigates through a narrow crack in the wall on his right. He does not know where this path will lead him, but he hopes it leads to reuniting with Isabella, wherever she is in Emerald Cave.

Once he got through the end of the narrow path, the emerald-clad adventurer emerges upon a hill. He can see something in the distance across from him, "What is that?" He carefully walks down from the steep hill and approach a scene that looks something from a horror film. Locke gasps in shock as he stumbled upon the corpses of the Bunnit villagers. Their bodies were chewed up. Some were missing limbs. Perhaps the most terrifying detail about the corpses are their expressions filled with such absolute terror.

Locke did not intend on stumbling across this gruesome sight, but this is how things are in Janne. He seen his fair share of gore and blood on his travels.

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