Chapter 14 - The Forest of Mirage

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The fog of the forest has become so bad that it is getting hard for Locke and the others to see. It is so bad that they have gotten separated in the forest. Phillip finds himself alone in the woods. He calls out to Locke, Isabella, and Zell. However, there is no response.

"Where are the heck are they?" Phillip wonders.

He then hears a voice, a familiar soft-spoken voice, "Phillip...? Phillip, is that you?"

He looks to his left and sees Magdelene, "Magdelene!"

"I'm so happy that you came to rescue me," she rejoiced.

"Does that mean you broken out of Vincent's spell?" Phillips asks.

"Yes," said Magdelene, approaching Phillip.


Locke is wandering in the forest, searching for the others. If it wasn't for the fog, he would have found them already. Soon, he hears a voice behind him. This startles him, forcing him to summon his dual sabers. The person that startled him was his sister, Esmy.

"What the hell, Locke?" said Esmy, wondering what's his deal is.

"Esmy!?" said Locke, surprised to see her here.


Magdelene is slowly approaching Phillip, but something seems off about her which causes him to back away. She is a lot more flirtatious than normal. She even giggles and suggests that the two of them take each other clothes and make love together.

"Hehehehe! Don't be afraid." Magdelene giggles softly. "It's just the two of us. Don't you want me?"

"You're NOT Magdelene!" shouted Phillip, pointing at her. "You're a mirage created by the forest!"

The mirage of Magdelene shrieks loudly as it transforms. The eyes of the mirage turns bright yellow and it grows many fangs from its mouth. The arms and hands grows long and sharp and the legs split from two to eight legs. The mirage now resembles a monster from nightmares than looking like Phillip's girlfriend.

"Gyaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" the mirage shrieks in a monstrous voice.

"Aaaahh!!" Phillip screams as he runs away.

"Aaaahh!!" Phillip screams as he runs away

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Locke has his weapons drawn against Esmy as it revealed to be a mirage. Since they are deep in the woods, the mirages are most likely to appear and terrorize Locke and the group. The mirage Esmy displays an evil smirk as its eyes glow yellow, while Locke is on guard. The emerald-clad adventurer knows about the Forest of Mirage and how the forest creates illusions to trick people. However, he hopes that the others are all right.


Zell and Isabella are already fighting against the mirages. The mirages they are based off nightmarish creatures such as basilisks, demonic trees, imps and the like. Zell tries to attack them by swinging his sword, but the sword went right through them. Since they are mirages, they cannot be killed.

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