Chapter 2 - The Forsaken Island

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Locke pilots his boat through the open seas in hopes of locating the mysterious missing island. He checks the map frequently to make sure he is on the right course. Although he wants to put an end to the recurring dreams, Locke cannot help but to think that something will forebode upon his entry to the island. Despite this, he will continue onward.

"There is no telling what I will find there," Locke said to himself. "It is hard to believe that an island which used to be an amusement park holds a terrifying secret. Looks like I will find out when I find the island, I suppose."

Unbeknownst to Locke, he is currently being shadowed by a ship full of pirates. The pirates made their presence when they fire at Locke with one of their cannons. Fortunately, the cannon balls missed his boat. "What the-!?" Locke shouted." He looks at the rearview mirror and saw that the pirates are after him. The pirates consist of several races from elves, anthromorphic people, to fairies.

"Pirates!? Why now!?" Locke sounded annoyed. "Doesn't matter... I always liked sticking to these hoodlums anyways." Locke floored the pedal to get his S.S. Emerald into high speed.

The pirates on the ship saw that Locke is speeding up. "So, that little scamp thinks he could run away!" a pirate fairy scoffed.

"Don't worry, lass!" said an anthromophic crocodile. "We'll get him and rip him asunder! Hahaha!" Their ship is also equipped with a propeller engine that allows them to go fast and give chase after Locke.

The pirates chased Locke down throughout the ocean. He tried to outrun the sea thugs, but they would not let up since they have a superior propeller engine than his S.S. Emerald. He had several close calls when a cannon ball hit the rear of his boat.

"Man, those cretins won't let up, do they!?" he said, getting fed up with them. "I tried to be nice, but no more!" He pulls a red and black lever on his right. Once he done that, the pilot's seat of S.S. Emerald began to transform into a turret with two gatling guns attached it.

"Bite this!" Locke shouted as he returns fire. Some of the pirates managed to duck, though most of them have gotten shot and injured.

"So, the bastard has some fight in him, huh?" a pirate elf sneered. "Pass me that missile launcher!" One of the pirates taking cover kicks over a metal rectangular box to the pirate elf. He opens the box containing the missile launcher. The elf loads the missile into the launcher, getting ready to retaliate. Locke waits patiently for any pirate stupid enough to get in his line of fire. Soon, the elven pirate came out of hiding and fires a rocket at Locke.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" Locke screamed for dear life, firing fearfully to stop the rocket from destroying his ship and killing him. The frightened Locke successfully shot the missile down before it reached him, but the smoke from the explosion blinded his view from the pirates. In turn, it also blinded the pirates from Locke, allowing him to use the explosion as a smokescreen to get away.

Four whole hours have passed since Locke has been out at sea. He is grateful that the smoke from the shot missile provided him as a cover. The sky is becoming the cloudier as he ventures on. The winds soon became more violent. "Seems like a storm is brewing," he said, pulling out the map to examine it. "According to the map, I should be close to the Island of Woe, which due east of Janne. But, I don't see it. My sister was right about this, but I'm not going to give up until I find it." He pilots his boat further as the fog thickens and the wind became more severe.

Just when Locke thought he escaped the skirmish with the pirates, the sea thugs finally caught up with him. They made their presence known again when their ship is side by side with Locke's S.S. Emerald. The female pirate fairy taunts Locke for being a coward by running away.

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