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Chanhee spun around in his chair, eyes wandering around. He was alone in the meeting room as usual. He had opened up his laptop in case inspiration struck. Instead, he found himself staring up at the plain ceiling. 

"Sorry, I'm late. I had to straighten things out." A disheveled man barged in and plopped down beside him. 

"It's fine, Jacob." Chanhee grinned. 

Jacob smiled back and got out the paper draft. Scanning through the first few pages and skipping to the last one, he set it down the table. 

"It's not finished yet?"

"Unfortunately, nope." Chanhee pouted, lying his head down the table. 

Jacob patted him on the head and chuckled. Apart from being the editor of Chanhee's books, he was also his friend from university. Jacob helped out when Chanhee said he wanted to publish his first book after he had just finished school.

But Chanhee wanted to remain anonymous. Thus, using his pseudonym, "New". 

"You don't need to set a deadline for yourself, you know." Jacob said, eyeing the dark circles on Chanhee worriedly. 

"I know, I know. But I feel like I'll never finish writing at this rate." Chanhee grumbled.

Jacob stared at Chanhee for a few thoughtful seconds. Then, a grin etched on his lips. Closing Chanhee's computer and setting aside the paperwork, he crept closer to Chanhee.

"You know what you need?" 


"A distraction."


"You find yourself a man."

Chanhee sighed and turned his head away. Jacob frowned at that. He pulled Chanhee to face him again. 

"I'm serious. I've never seen you in a relationship throughout the time I've known you. And that's from college. I doubt you dated during high school."

"What makes you think that?" Chanhee crossed his arms, pouting. 

"Do you really wanna know?"

Chanhee thought for a while then shook his head. Jacob grinned.

"Let me set you up with someone. You don't need to date him right away. But at least you can relax once in a while."

"No. I've already let you set me up lots of times." Chanhee complained, squirming out of Jacob's hold when he forced him to look at his phone.

"I promise this guy's alright. Like I told you, you don't need to get into a relationship. Just meet him and relax. Maybe get some story ideas." Jacob said, shoving his phone into Chanhee's face. 

"Chanhee gave up and took Jacob's phone. He gave Jacob a look.

"I write crime stories. How is a date going to help that?" He muttered. 

He rolled his eyes when Jacob grinned innocently. Chanhee took a look at the Instagram profile Jacob had on. 

Not bad, he supposes. Wait....

"A Canadian? No, thank you. I already have you for it. I don't need another Canadian in my life." Chanhee thrusted back the phone at Jacob's chest.

"Now what's wrong with being Canadian?" Jacob said, feeling offended.

"Nothing. Except that my energy drains quite fast when I'm near one." 

Jacob scoffed at that. 

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